Thinking about running the cycle below (3rd cycle):

500mg/wk of Eq for wks 1-15
600 mg/wk of test E for wks 1-16
(both doses split in half and injected twice a week).
Clomid 150mg/day wk 18, 100mg/day wk 19, 50 mg/day wk 20

Should I change anything?

I was also thinking about adding 6 weeks of tren at the beginning or end, but what I have read about the sides (i.e. hair loss) make me hesitate since my hair is already starting to thin in the back. Curious to know what others have experienced?

Stats: 28 yr, 6'5", 225lbs, 12% bf.
(Not looking to get "bodybuilder" huge. 250-260lbs and 8-9% bf would be very nice.)

Cycle History: 1st cycle-winny and test prop, saw good strength gains but sore joints and avg mass gains (15-20lbs). 2nd cycle-just test prop, avg strength gains, avg mass gains, and lots of back acne. Last cycle was 2 years ago.