In the US, Anavar was manufactured by Searle Laboratories until it was recently discontinued.
Anavar - Oxandrolone in tablet form only 2,5 mg per tablet. 2.5 mg tabs, 100 per bottle Oxandrolone is a mild, low androgen 17-alpha alkylated anabolic steroid with very low toxicity. Preferred by thousands of men and women users because it promotes protein anabolism and rarely caused adverse reaction. Anavar is primarily used to promote strength and muscle hardness. In the International Journal of Obesity, (1995; 19: 614-624), it was shown that Oxandralone enhanced bodyfat reduction significantly in both the abdominal and visceral stores. It's low in androgens and doesn't produce water retention. And this drug considered to be a very safe. Anavar mast be used by power lifters and many women like to use it because of its chemical structure, Anavar won't be aromatize for.
anavar steroid is generally regarded by both the medical community and the athletes. Anavar`s prominent affect is that of strength increases but it is very popular among women athletes because it is very low anavar cycle in androgens, and does not produce the degree of virilization that most others do. It is actually shown to improve liver function in test groups. This drug is highly recommended for people with impaired immune systems. This steroid is also great for muscle hardness (like winstrol steroid and anadrol steroid).The is no gyno problems with anavar oxandrolone because of the lack of aromatization. Anavar is usually stacked with primobolan or deca durabolin for an most extremely safe cycle but it is expensive