Chromium is considered to be an essential nutrient and trace mineral. Chromium does occur naturally in some foods, although they are relatively few. This mineral can be found in organ meats such as liver, kidney and sweetbreads as well as mushrooms, broccoli and wheat germ.

The role of this mineral is extremely critical in preventing the development of diabetes because it helps insulin to work properly. Even small amounts of chromium supplementation has been known to show improvements in the levels of blood sugar who individuals who took the supplements. Chromium is also essential in the way the body controls cholesterol and other lipids. Current studies are also being conducted to understand the relation of how chromium may be involved in the body’s ability to retain and lose weight. It is thought that chromium could possibly support weight loss due to the fact that it tends to suppress the appetite, curb cravings for high calorie and sweet foods as well as assist the body in burning calories. Individuals who are risk for a deficiency in chromium are vegetarians, women who have borne children, persons who engage in rigorous exercise routines, persons who consume diets high in sugar and highly refined foods, and older individuals. The last two categories are believed to be at risk for chromium loss because it is believed that mothers lose significant portions of their own chromium stores through pregnancy and all individuals are thought to lose chromium as a natural result of the aging process.

Further benefits of this nutrient include its ability to control mood swings, due to the fact that is able to stabilize blood sugar and fluctuating blood sugar levels are known to contribute to mood swings. Deficiencies in chromium may also result in depression, learning disabilities, hyperactivity and infertility.

Although this mineral is not known to be toxic and while it appears that it does have important health and nutritional value to diabetics it is extremely important that diabetics not use it in a self-medicated regimen. There are no known drug interactions or side effects.

There are two basic forms of chromium supplements available on the market today. They are chromium picolinate and chromium nicotinate. There have been studies performed with varying results as to which form of supplementation is better. The best source of chromium for maximum health benefits comes from natural food sources.