I was doing a cycle of test-c 400/wk and deca 300wk. At about week 6 I ruptured my pec tendon and couldn't work out. I did one of the next weeks injxn (was splitting dose in half and taking 2 injxns/wk) and was told I'd need surgery.

In the haze of surgery, pain, recovery etc. I'm now almost 3 weeks out from my last injxn. I have clomid but have not taken it due to my pain meds, depression at messing up my cycle, and not working out etc.

At this point I wonder how long it would take me to recover my test naturally. I'm going to lose my gains anyhow as I can't lift for another month! If I'll recover soon I'd just as soon not take the clomid as I'm pretty messed up by all this as it is.

Thanks for your help.