5 steps to bone health

Get your daily recommended amounts of calcium and vitamin D.
Engage in regular weight-bearing exercise.
Avoid smoking and excessive alcohol.
Talk to your doctor about bone health.
Have a bone density test and take medication when appropriate.
Live well, live strong, live long
It's never too late or too early to improve your bone health. The average American eats too little calcium. And nearly half of us do not get enough physical activity to strengthen our bones. The same healthy lifestyle that strengthens your bones strengthens your whole body. You might not hear as much about bone health as other health concerns but healthy habits are good for all your organs, including your bones.

Be physically active every day-at least 60 minutes for children, 30 minutes for adults.
Do strength-building and weight-bearing activities to build strong bones.
Eat a healthy diet. Educate yourself on proper nutrition. Be aware that certain foods are naturally rich in calcium and vitamin D. Get the recommended amounts of calcium and vitamin D daily.
Reduce your risks of falling. Check your home for loose rugs, poor lighting, etc.
Take classes that increase balance and strength-like Tai Chi, yoga or Pilates. Make stretching a part of every workout.
Even people who know better don't always do what's good for their bones. Make yourself an exception. Be aware of your risks and work to reduce them. Get help from your family and friends and your doctor, nurse, pharmacist, or other health care professional. Building healthy bones begins at birth and lasts your whole life.