Everyone should have the free sample that ended in Aug. I realize
some of you had samples that were smashed or destroyed during the shipment. Ill accept responsibility for the problem and am willing to offer a 2nd sample to those that were affected...

You guys are Myochem, the image - everything about the company and I want to make certain that everyone is a satisfied customer. Many of you received your shipment without any problem and have given positive feedback. I definitely appreciate that! Please email myochemnutrition@hotmail.com and request your 2nd sample to be shipped in better packaging. Just give me your first and last name. (NOTE: You must have registered with us before Aug 31st to qualify.)

We’ve got some new products on the horizon…Ill keep everyone in the loop. Everyone is welcome to fill out our Myochem survey at “be a part of change” Check it out at Myochem.com Free T-shirt to anyone that makes it through the whole survey, sorry it’s kinda long.

Have a great weekend everyone!

Yours in fitness…


Myochem CEO