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    Thread: Endothil-CR..anyone try this stuff?

    1. #1
      DJDIGGLER's Avatar
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      Default Endothil-CR..anyone try this stuff?

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      • Endothil-CR..anyone try this stuff?

      • Endothil-CR..anyone try this stuff?
      • Endothil-CR..anyone try this stuff?
      • Endothil-CR..anyone try this stuff?
      • Endothil-CR..anyone try this stuff?
      • Endothil-CR..anyone try this stuff?
      • Endothil-CR..anyone try this stuff?
      I've been doing a little reading and heard this stuff is safe to take and assists you in gaining a full inch on your bicep in one month. Plus a bunch of other benefits. Here's a link to the main site. Post up what you think......


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      Default Re: Endothil-CR..anyone try this stuff?


    3. #3
      DJDIGGLER's Avatar
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      Default Re: Endothil-CR..anyone try this stuff?

      c'mon you beotches.....Answer my freaking question!!!!!

    4. #4
      president_fad's Avatar
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      Default Re: Endothil-CR..anyone try this stuff?

      never heard of it, seems expensive.

    5. #5
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      Default Re: Endothil-CR..anyone try this stuff?

      guess I'll have to make myself a test rat if noone knows anything about it.....

    6. #6
      DerCribben's Avatar
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      Default Re: Endothil-CR..anyone try this stuff?

      I'd be interested in hearing your results. Theres a guy here at work that says he fealt the best pump when lifting that he's had in a while. I'd say that the enrgy boost he says he felt might even make it worth it. I haven't checked on prices though sounds like the prez though they were a bit high.

      I generally have a hard time trusting anything that's advertised in the mags though.

    7. #7
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      Default Re: Endothil-CR..anyone try this stuff?

      Quote Originally Posted by DerCribben
      I generally have a hard time trusting anything that's advertised in the mags though.
      Well you shouldn't not trust it just because they advertise in the mags. Think of it this way.....If they didn't advertise you probably would never hear about it. A bulk of the stuff on the market is just gimmicks. But some are good. That's why we are fortunate to have boards like this to give each other good advice on what did and didn't work for ourselves. Then others can make educated decisions off that info.

      I didn't try it yet because funds are low due to our wonderful gas prices

      But as soon as I do I'll post up the results good or bad.

    8. #8
      mick-G's Avatar
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      Default Re: Endothil-CR..anyone try this stuff?

      Listen up on this, because i have worked in HF and Supplement Distribution. There are companies that market themselves as Pharma product when in fact the product they are selling is a proprietary blend of many ingrediants found at substantually lower prices at you local healthfood and supplement retailers. This reminds me alot of Klein Beckers advertisements, they have similars supplements they sell, from cosmetic, to fat loss. This product contains tomato extract, green tea, and a combo of different herbs that are very common. Then they get a trademark for their blend and call it Endothil. Sounds like a prescription drug doesn't it? Well, wrong your just taking a combo of herbs that you can buy anywhere at a much cheaper cost. I just got off the phone and asked the telemarketer to give me a list of ingrediants. When i asked her what is the active ingrediant, she said their isn't one, its the proprietary blend that makes it active, lol! There is no break thru drug or something that no one knows about. Its all marketing to make their product look like it was researched and developed. Go to Kleinbecker.com and you will see the same kinds of products, marketed to look like pharma product. They even use phony drs that don't even exsist, lol! All to make their product look like they have been researched and are a particular drug that they developed. Don't waste your $ on it bro!

    9. #9
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      Default Re: Endothil-CR..anyone try this stuff?

      Quote Originally Posted by DJDIGGLER
      Well you shouldn't not trust it just because they advertise in the mags. Think of it this way.....If they didn't advertise you probably would never hear about it.
      Naw man, you misunderstand me. I agree there's tons of stuff that are advertised in the mags that are great. Almost every protein, creatine, [insert commonly used supplement here] I've ever used is advertised somewhere. I just suspect any new wonder "legal steroid" product I see in an expensive (or cheap for that matter) ad I see in a magazine. For example, remeber the legal wonder steroid BORON that you first saw in the mags early 90's.

      I'm just looking for results not ad man hype. When I see a bunch of people here and in the gym who swear by the stuff the trial will officially be over. (then the feds will outlaw it a month later lol) I'dunno, I'll throw $60 at it and chalk it up to an expensive lesson if it's worthless.

      alright, done rambling.....

    10. #10
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      Default Re: Endothil-CR..anyone try this stuff?

      Quote Originally Posted by DerCribben
      Naw man, you misunderstand me. I agree there's tons of stuff that are advertised in the mags that are great. Almost every protein, creatine, [insert commonly used supplement here] I've ever used is advertised somewhere. I just suspect any new wonder "legal steroid" product I see in an expensive (or cheap for that matter) ad I see in a magazine. For example, remeber the legal wonder steroid BORON that you first saw in the mags early 90's.

      I'm just looking for results not ad man hype. When I see a bunch of people here and in the gym who swear by the stuff the trial will officially be over. (then the feds will outlaw it a month later lol) I'dunno, I'll throw $60 at it and chalk it up to an expensive lesson if it's worthless.

      alright, done rambling.....
      Yeah I totally misinterpreted you there bro. Thanks for clearing that up. I do agree about the ad hype the way you say it.

      That then they will outlaw it comment made me laugh my ass off!

    11. #11
      mick-G's Avatar
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      Default Re: Endothil-CR..anyone try this stuff?

      Did you bros even read my post, lol?^ This is not a new drug or break thru just a proprietary blend of stuff you can get anywhere for a much cheaper cost.

    12. #12
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      Default Re: Endothil-CR..anyone try this stuff?

      Quote Originally Posted by mick-G
      Did you bros even read my post, lol?^ This is not a new drug or break thru just a proprietary blend of stuff you can get anywhere for a much cheaper cost.
      No, I definitely read your post. You wouldn't happen to know what stuff is in it would you? I work with a guy who just started using it and maybe it's just the placebo factor but he is happy with his results since using this stuff. He doesn't know anything about gear but he's a pretty fit guy who's in the gym all week long and he noticed a difference when he started using it. This is the whole reason I searched FG and found this post. I understand that this stuff is just a blend of special herbs and spices but it seems to be a good combo. You know, like ECA, each item wasn't much alone but put em together in the right ratio and BAM, you have one of the most potent fat burners around (aside from var/winny, T3, DNP, and growth of course but those are obviously on a different level).

      Anybody decode this stack? I'd be interested in theories even.

    13. #13
      Slightly Enhanced's Avatar
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      Default Re: Endothil-CR..anyone try this stuff?

      Well said Mick, most people have no clue how much influence marketers have over their life, especially in the supplements & nutrition market

      Quote Originally Posted by mick-G
      Listen up on this, because i have worked in HF and Supplement Distribution. There are companies that market themselves as Pharma product when in fact the product they are selling is a proprietary blend of many ingrediants found at substantually lower prices at you local healthfood and supplement retailers. This reminds me alot of Klein Beckers advertisements, they have similars supplements they sell, from cosmetic, to fat loss. This product contains tomato extract, green tea, and a combo of different herbs that are very common. Then they get a trademark for their blend and call it Endothil. Sounds like a prescription drug doesn't it? Well, wrong your just taking a combo of herbs that you can buy anywhere at a much cheaper cost. I just got off the phone and asked the telemarketer to give me a list of ingrediants. When i asked her what is the active ingrediant, she said their isn't one, its the proprietary blend that makes it active, lol! There is no break thru drug or something that no one knows about. Its all marketing to make their product look like it was researched and developed. Go to Kleinbecker.com and you will see the same kinds of products, marketed to look like pharma product. They even use phony drs that don't even exsist, lol! All to make their product look like they have been researched and are a particular drug that they developed. Don't waste your $ on it bro!
      R.I.P. GearedUp

      Lord, make me strong, and let the weak find comfort in my strength.

    14. #14
      mick-G's Avatar
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      Default Re: Endothil-CR..anyone try this stuff?

      Quote Originally Posted by DerCribben
      No, I definitely read your post. You wouldn't happen to know what stuff is in it would you? I work with a guy who just started using it and maybe it's just the placebo factor but he is happy with his results since using this stuff. He doesn't know anything about gear but he's a pretty fit guy who's in the gym all week long and he noticed a difference when he started using it. This is the whole reason I searched FG and found this post. I understand that this stuff is just a blend of special herbs and spices but it seems to be a good combo. You know, like ECA, each item wasn't much alone but put em together in the right ratio and BAM, you have one of the most potent fat burners around (aside from var/winny, T3, DNP, and growth of course but those are obviously on a different level).

      Anybody decode this stack? I'd be interested in theories even.
      Bro obviously you didn't read it thorougly enough, lol! It contains green tea, tomato extract, etc but nothing that is an active ingrediant. They are all herbs that you can buy at your local supplement or healthfood store. I know most ppl aren't aware of the millions in advertising and marketing techniques companies will use. This one isn't new, its called making your product look like a prescribed drug not OTC. I have met will many a broker from reputable companies like Twin Lab, Shiff, Natures Way, Atkins etc, and their main objective is ROI. I will guarntee that your friends result is only placebo effect and that is it. Granted these ingrediants have heathfull properties, but will not do anything that a good diet and fresh veggies and fruits will do. Ppl like to see product that looks and sounds scientific. Here is the total list of ingrediants, what a joke for 59.99! and no active ingrediant.
      • Riboflavin 6.8g 400%
      Proprietary Blend 9mg
      • Green Tomato SE

      • Grape Seed SE

      • Grean Tea SE

      • Quercetin

      • Rutin

      Other Ingredients:
      Cane sugar, tomato powder, mono-and diglycerides, salt stearic acid, natural flavors, FD&C red #40 lake, magnesium stearate, and silica.

      Directions: On workout days, take 1 tablet 30 minutes before
      Last edited by mick-G; 10-11-2005 at 10:56 AM.

    15. #15
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      Default Re: Endothil-CR..anyone try this stuff?

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      • Endothil-CR..anyone try this stuff?
      • Endothil-CR..anyone try this stuff?

      • Endothil-CR..anyone try this stuff?
      • Endothil-CR..anyone try this stuff?
      • Endothil-CR..anyone try this stuff?
      • Endothil-CR..anyone try this stuff?
      • Endothil-CR..anyone try this stuff?
      • Endothil-CR..anyone try this stuff?
      Quote Originally Posted by mick-G
      Bro obviously you didn't read it thorougly enough, lol! It contains green tea, tomato extract, etc
      No, I read it, I was just wondering what the "A Combo of different herbs" was. I know most products in the supplement industry are BS, I was just wondering if you knew off the top of your head what exactly was in it. I'm passing this info on to my bud as pretty much what I told him I thought it was in the beginning and that's the same old snake oil mystery blend that people in this industry have been trying to pawn off on us since the beginning of time.

      I guess you can't blame someone for wanting to make a buck and if americans weren't the fattest society in the world who also happen to be the most likely to pay through the nose for "the easy way" crap, noone would be trying to pawn this crap off on us.

      Thanks for the info Mick, hopefully it'll save my buddy some wasted money in the future.

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