A follow up to this thread:

Good news is in regards to my brother. Doctors say he WILL walk again. Asside from that they really don't say much. This could mean anything from "he'll make a complete recovery" to "He'll need a cane for the rest of his life" We're all pulling for him. Luckily there was no major nerve damage. He was actually released from the hospital yesterday after 9 days inside. He's wheelchair bound for the next month or so, but things are looking good for his recovery. Total list of broken bones include:
1 - broken hip
5" section of his femur "shattered"
1 - broken tibula
1 - broken fibula
3 - bones in his foot broken.

Attached below is a copy of the X-ray of his femur. According to the scale, that large shard of bone is approx 4 - 5" long.

Bad news: My cousin was involved in some sort of workplace accident on Monday. Details are sketchy, but I guess he was working at some sort of a sawmill. From what I've heard, his shirt got caught in a saw and it pulled him in. I don't know the extent of his injuries yet, but I do know that he has lost an arm. This is my closest cousin so it hits hard..especially after dealing with my brother. He's about an 8hour drive away, so I might be taking a trip to see him in the hospital for the next few days.

My poor grandparents are having a hard time of it. I'm the only 3rd generation male that hasn't been involved in a major accident this month. My grandmother even offered to buy me a helmet to wear...she was serious. When I told her that I wouldn't wear it, she started to cry...nearly broke my heart so I told her I'd wear my bicycle helmet when driving or working near heavy machinery or power tools.

Thanks for all your well wishes and prayers. I think they helped in my brothers case as it was looking pretty bad at first, but once the doctors started surgery they discovered it wasn't as bad as they thought. Most of the damage turned out to be just broken bones..

Unfortunately, it looks like it's going to be another few weeks before I can put any time into the board. Take er easy everyone, and for god sakes be careful out there...