What is Calcium Pyruvate?
Calcium Pyruvate HCA is an all natural mixture containing 500 mg of calcium pyruvate and 10 mg Garcinia cambogia that was designed to aid in the reduction of fat and increase exercise performance. Calcium pyruvate is a combination of pyruvic acid and calcium. When pyruvate is combined with sodium, potassium, magnesium or calcium it forms a stable compound known as a pyruvate salt. It is then able to be absorbed by the body without irritation. This process is a complex one, which is the main reason why this product has just recently become available to the consumer.

It is believed that pyruvate helps improve muscular performance and endurance by enhancing "glucose extraction" (glucose extraction is the process by which glucose, the primary fuel used by muscles for activity, is transported from the blood stream into the muscles). In fact, the study that measured arm endurance showed an increase of glucose extraction by almost 300% after one hour of exercise. The pyruvate mixture was also shown to increase glucose extraction with the subjects at rest which led to a 50% increase in muscle glycogen (a source of stored energy). Because glucose is an important fuel for the body, increased in glucose extraction and muscle glycogen could theoretically translate into an increased capacity not only for endurance but also for high-intensity exercise, like bodybuilding, as well.

Garcinia cambogia is a fruit that grows in southern India that contains hydroxycitric acid (HCA). Studies show that hydroxycitric acid is a potent inhibitor of citrate lyase, an enzyme primarily found in the liver, which is vital in regulating fat metabolism. At the cell level HCA molecules begin a sequence of events which result in fewer fatty acids being synthesized and therefore less fat is available for storage. With less fat stored in the cell, the build up of body fat will be less.