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    Thread: What type of water do you drink?

    1. #1
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      Default What type of water do you drink?

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      • What type of water do you drink?

      • What type of water do you drink?
      • What type of water do you drink?
      • What type of water do you drink?
      • What type of water do you drink?
      • What type of water do you drink?
      • What type of water do you drink?
      What type of water do you drink? One of the surprising health concerns we have is the type of water that we drink. Yet it is often overlooked by most health practitioners. It is hardly ever taken into consideration. But our bodies are approximately 70% water and the quality of this water has a major impact on the quality of our lives.

      Water has so many functions in the body that it is impossible to name them all. It is involved in nearly every biological process. It is so important to drink water, and the best quality of water at that, to allow the body to function properly. We actually must drink our 8 glasses of water each day for our bodies to function properly. Actually, studies have shown that if you take your body weight and divide it by 2, and drink that many ounces per day, that is the right amount of water to drink.

      The two main concerns that we have about water are, what type of water is it, and what is in that water? I will address each of these two topics separately.

      When I say what type of water is it, I mean what kind of molecular configuration is it in? I am not talking about the hydrogen and the oxygen that make up that molecule, that will always be H2O. What I am talking about is, what is the relationship that each water molecule has with the molecules surrounding it? This has to do with the energy of the water.

      H2O means that there are 2 hydrogen atoms and 1 oxygen atom in each molecule of water. They are arranged like this:

      Now because the Hydrogen atoms are positively charged and the oxygen atom is negatively charged, the molecules of water will form loose bonds with the molecules that are adjacent to them, that are also charged electrically. The positively charged hydrogen atom in one molecule will be attracted to the negatively charged oxygen atom in another and will repel from the other hydrogen atoms. So the water molecules form loose bonds as they fit themselves into each other, and are not just jumbled together. These loose bonds are very easily broken and they do not alter the chemical composition of the water itself, but can alter the way the water is used in the body.

      In pure water, such as distilled water, or clean rainwater or snow, which incidentally is also distilled water, the water molecules configure themselves into 6-sided forms. This is called the hexagonal form and it is the natural or biological form. All snowflakes have 6 sides. The natural energy of the water/ice is balanced. According to biologists, the benefits of this form of water in the body are these:

      It is the best for the hydration of the cells.
      It allows more oxygen and nutrients to be transported in the blood.
      It is the best for the chemical and electrical communication between cells.
      It helps to leach out unwanted non-organic minerals out of your body, while preserving the minerals that are needed for life.
      Other forms of water configure themselves into 5 sided configurations, called pentagonal forms. These forms are unnatural and can be the cause of some diseases. Biologists who study these things have found that a high concentrations of 5-sided water clusters are found in those people whose immune systems are malfunctioning, such as those with autoimmune disorders. And another thing that is very amazing, is the fact that the reverse osmosis water purification systems produce more of these 5-sided clusters than the 6-sided biological water that we need for life.

      Reverse osmosis can produce one of the cleanest types of water, but the water that is produced is not natural because of the 5-sided form that it is in.

      Osmosis is a natural process, but reverse osmosis is exactly the opposite process. It is an unnatural form of water. So you can see that it is possible that water can be pure, that is, free from contaminants, and still not be the best for your body. So you may be suffering in your body, because of what you put into your body, even when you are thinking that you are doing what is best for your body. At the very least you are causing your body to work harder, and are using considerably more energy than is necessary to remain healthy. You can argue all that you want that the best purified water is the reverse osmosis type, but the biological research shows otherwise.

      The energy fields of the different types of water were not known until recently, and when men were forming the basis for their opinions on which type of water was best, they only considered purity and not molecular configurations. It is now known that they were wrong. Please don't fault those who are sticking to their convictions, who haven't heard the new findings.

      A third type of molecular arrangement is also known. This type has a completely random structure. This is the type that is found in tap water. This includes both well water, and city water, which is the absolute worst.

      The random type is the worst type of water to drink in respect to the 4 areas that I mentioned before, cellular hydration, nutrient and oxygen carrying capacity, cellular communication, and cellular detoxification. It is also the worst type to drink because of the unusable forms of minerals that are dissolved into it and also because it is usually acidic in pH.

      Not so long ago, when the earth was clean, the water that we drank was distilled by the sun which evaporated the water, and then it condensed in the atmosphere and then fell to the earth. Now, the atmosphere is polluted and so is the soil that it falls on. This polluted kind of water is the worst because it is in the wrong form, and because of the contaminants that are in it.

      Here is a very basic explanation and illustration of why this happens.

      You have heard that everything that goes up, must come down. Well, another natural law concerning matter says this: Matter cannot be created, and it cannot be destroyed. What it can do is to change form. If you take a gallon of gasoline and pour it into a shallow pan and leave it out in the sun, it will evaporate. It will change from a liquid state into a gaseous state. It still weighs the same, nothing disappeared. The same gallon is now dispersed and suspended in the air. If you had a dome over it and caught those vapors, you could condense it back into it's liquid form. If you breathed all of those vapors into your body, you would have a gallon of gasoline in your body. If you burned that gasoline, you would not destroy the elements that make it up, you would only changing the form. The carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, water, sulfur dioxide, and other chemicals that are produced by burning have the same weight that the gasoline had. You only changed it's form.

      Now, these gasses that are produced by burning rise into the atmosphere and fall back to the earth with the rain. You've heard of acid rain. This is it. Now when you hear of how many millions of barrels of oil are being consumed each day, where is it all going? It is going into the atmosphere and then falling back to the earth as acid rain. Whatever is used each day, the same weight falls to the earth each day, except for some gasses that stay in the atmosphere. This acidic rainwater percolates through the soil into our groundwater and pollutes them. The acid also dissolves minerals into the water that are in forms that our bodies are not able to use.

      The rainwater from of old did not dissolve the minerals into the forms of minerals that are in the well water of today. Yes, you need minerals in your body, but unless they are in the proper forms, they will do more harm than good. The rainwater that we have today is not the same as the rainwater that we had 200 years ago, and neither is the well water.

      My well water was tested and was found to have abnormally high amounts of inorganic calcium, copper, and iron. These minerals were causing health problems in our family. Our health immediately improved when we stopped drinking the well water.

      So it is plain to see that distilled water is the best water to use because it is the best type. However, according to some researchers, this "best type" can be potentially harmful if you do not ingest minerals of the proper kind, with your water. I will explain this more completely in a minute.

      But now I would like to briefly discuss the physical contaminants that may be in our water. There are 5 main contaminants in our water supplies. They are:

      Heavy metals
      Organic Chemicals
      Inorganic Chemicals
      Radioactive minerals
      Of this group of 5 contaminants, the most hazardous is the microorganisms. These include bacteria, cysts (cryptosporidium, giardia), viruses, and other microorganisms. Having these in your drinking water can prove deadly to your family very quickly. All of these substances will have a negative effect on your body. How it will affect the individual person will vary, depending on a multitude of factors.

      Most "city" water comes from reservoirs and rivers, and there is a high probability that rainwater has washed pollutants into that water from the environment. In addition to this, chemicals such as chlorine, alum, fluorine, lime, phosphates, and sodium aluminates are added to "purify" the water and to kill microorganisms. These are in addition to high amounts of asbestos, arsenic, cadmium, and cyanides. All of these substances are either carcinogenic, or combine with other substances to become carcinogenic.

      But before you condemn those who add such substances to our water to "purify" it, consider that the microorganisms that the chlorine kills are much more hazardous than the chlorine. But when you drink chlorinated water it will kill beneficial organisms in your body such as the beneficial bacteria in your intestines and also the cells themselves that make up your body. That's the purpose of chlorine, to kill microorganisms. For this reason, you shouldn't even water your garden with it because it will kill the microbes in the soil that are so important for your plant's health. It is very important to understand this concept fully as the balance of all living things depends on beneficial microorganisms!

      Now to well water.
      Well water is also very high in organic chemicals and residues from chemical fertilizers and pesticides. They are also usually very high in minerals that can harm the human body. This is what Dr. James Balch, author of Prescription for Nutritional Healing says:

      "We believe that the calcium found in hard water is not good for the heart, arteries, or bones. Unfortunately, hard water deposits its calcium and other minerals on the outside of these structures, while it is the calcium that is found within these structures that is beneficial to the body."

      There is usually an imbalance of minerals in well water and usually the pH is low. That makes it an acid, and drinking acidic water is definitely detrimental to your health.

      In order to be in the best of health it is very important to drink purified water. The best way to insure the quality of your water is to purify it yourself, using a home purification system. When you buy water at the store, it often comes in the plastic containers that look like milk jugs. The plastic that these jugs are made from is designed to degrade so that they will deteriorate in the landfills. The problem with this is that the chemicals from the jug will leach out into the water and pollute it with chemicals like PVC's and other contaminants. It is important that the containers that you use to hold liquids that you intend to put into your body have a "1" or a "7" in the recycle triangle. These forms of plastic are generally regarded to be safe.

      The best way to insure the best quality for your family is to purify it yourself with a home purification system. There are many different kinds and you need to make a wise choice to buy what is best. Some of the systems will actually grow bacteria in them once they are contaminated with bacteria!

      Please look at the chart below.

      Water Purifier Performance Comparison Contaminant Steam Distilled w/carbon Reverse
      Osmosis Carbon
      filter Carbon filter
      w/silver Ceramic
      filter Ceramic filter w/carbon
      Microorganisms YES NO NO PARTIAL YES YES
      Heavy metals YES PARTIAL NO NO NO NO
      Organic Chemicals YES YES YES YES NO YES
      Inorganic Chemicals YES PARTIAL NO NO NO NO
      Radioactive minerals YES PARTIAL NO NO NO NO

      Water Distillers are simply the best way to purify water for you and your family. Distillation will kill and remove bacteria, viruses, cysts, as well as, heavy metals, radionuclides, organic and inorganic chemicals, and particulates.

      When we make distilled water from our tap well water, the small amount of water that is left behind is concentrated with all the residue from the whole gallon. It is actually quite disgusting to look at, much less drink. When you pour it into a clear glass it is yellowish in color and you can see particles floating in it. I used to be quite ill when I used to drink that water.

      Here is a side note about water distillers.
      In order for a distillation unit to be effective, it must have a vent in it to allow the lower boiling point chemicals to escape before they condense and go into your water. Also, it is very important that there is a post carbon filter to filter your water one last time before it goes into your container. This post carbon filter will absorb any organic chemicals that can go through the system. This carbon filter also gives the water a good taste by "polishing" the water molecules.

      There are some people that proclaim that distilled water will leach the minerals out of your body, leaving you minerally deficient, but this is not true. In their best-selling health and diet book, Fit for Life II: Living Health, H***** & Marilyn Diamond write:

      "Distilled water has an inherent quality. Acting almost like a magnet, it picks up rejected, discarded, and unusable minerals and, assisted by the blood and the lymph, carries them to the lungs and kidneys for elimination from the body. The statement that distilled water leaches minerals from the body has no basis in fact. It doesn't leach out minerals that have become part of the cell structure. It can't and won't. It collects only minerals that have already been rejected or excreted by the cells...To suggest that distilled water takes up minerals from foods so that the body derives no benefit from them is absurd."

      Dr. James Balch and Dr. Andrew Weil also are proponents of distilled water.

      The only water that we drink and cook with is distilled water that we make ourselves. When we first did this we noticed better health right away. We also noticed that our food tasted better when we used it for cooking. We use the Coral Calcium supplement to add the proper forms of minerals to the water. To learn about this form of mineral, go to the Nutrition Main Page and the Calcium Problem and Solution page.

      To be sure, there is a great controversy surrounding the use of distilled water. Distilled water is very reactive, making it the best form for transporting minerals and oxygen in the bloodstream, but it is also very aggressive at leaching chemicals out of the plastic bottles if you buy your distilled water. Because it may leach out some of the unwanted minerals out of your body, your body may become slightly more acidic, because even the unwanted minerals may keep the pH level stabilized. But when you add the minerals of the proper form (biological and ionic), the water becomes very alkaline and gives you the health benefits that you are looking for, without the toxic effects of the wrong forms of minerals. Drinking only distilled water, without supplementing with the proper forms of minerals, may not be a good idea, unless you are doing it temporarily to detoxify your body. But we have seen phenomenal results with distilled water fortified with the ionic minerals that are in our Coral Calcium, when it is used on a continual basis. I, for one, would not drink exclusively distilled water without the Coral Calcium supplement.

      So, what you are doing, basically, with Coral Calcium enriched distilled water, is to remove the inorganic, random, large sized minerals from the water and replacing them with the biologically active ionic form of over 70 different minerals, all in the right proportions to one another. Because the water is distilled and mostly 6-sided forms, all of those minerals are transported by the blood very effectively to be used where they are needed. This is the key. I really do believe that this is the very key to the understanding of what type of water to drink. I have seen many people completely recover from all types of degenerative diseases, using our coral calcium fortified distilled water.

      In conclusion, since your body is made up of 70% water, and water is involved with every function of your body, it makes sense to drink the best quality of water that is possible. If you are doing everything else to try to be healthy, including exercise, food supplementation, proper rest, etc., don't neglect the importance of drinking the proper form of water. I know it made a difference in my life. It is not my purpose to tell you everything about water and it's important functions. It would fill a whole book, but I hope that you will learn more about water and it's effect in our bodies.
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      Default Re: What type of water do you drink?

      Believe it or not but I read all of that. Very true. My uncle has well water, and a farm. He does not use any fertilizer on count of this. He also filters it. I personally drink bottled water. Like deer park, or nestle. Springwater.

      I was contracted in to Crystal Mountain. They are a major water bottling company. I had to work on some of the building heaters. What everyone doesn't know is that all of that water also has additives. They clean it, and it also contain chlorine. Lets say I was a little snoopy.

      I would never dare to drink my tap water from the house. Even though it has been cleaned, the thought of drinking recycled sewage just doesn't sound good to me.

      Byron can contest to that. Thats where Birmingham gets most of its water... They have large sewage pounds. Yummy...
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      Default Re: What type of water do you drink?

      I didn't read all that.lol but want to say for the people that drink city water and think it's clean should think again. I work construction and have repaired many broken water lines and if you could see what the inside of the lines were coated with you wouldn't drink it period. I know it has chlorine to kill the bacteria but then why is there so much slime and chunks stuck to the sides of the pipes? They really look terrible.
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      Default Re: What type of water do you drink?

      I drink Colorado Springs water which is 96% pure. Much better than the 30 something percent we had back in Atlanta.
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      Default Re: What type of water do you drink?

      I drink bottled spring water. But ocasionally I'll drink the water from the water fountains. Don't hey have filters on it to purify it? It's not the same as drinking water straight from a faucet?

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      Default Re: What type of water do you drink?

      I know regular water fountains that hang off the wall doesn't have a filter, unless someone has installed one in the line somewhere else. I have installed alot of these. Also if drinking from one of these fountains,make sure to let it run for a few seconds before drinking. The water sits in the lines and holding tank, it buils up calcium, and possible bacteria.FYI.

      I drink bottled spring water, and we have a natural spring on our property at the lake. We fill bottles up there alot to drink. Our city tap water sucks, It smells like chlorine, right out of a clorox bottle.
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      • What type of water do you drink?
      • What type of water do you drink?
      • What type of water do you drink?
      • What type of water do you drink?
      • What type of water do you drink?
      • What type of water do you drink?
      Yeah they have to put so much chlorine in it to keep bacteria levels down as it goes through the lines.
      Assumption is the mother of all fuck ups

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