Exercise and Eating
How Can I Keep Track of Exercise and Eating?

Taking care of your heart is one of the most important things you can do in life. Planning a diet and an activity program is the key to success. Prepare yourself by:

Being committed to change

Setting specific and realistic goals

Thinking about possible roadblocks

Deciding how to deal with problems

Not being discouraged by minor setbacks

My activity log

Develop a 4-8 week or longer plan with your health care professional. Use the AHA Exercise Diary to keep track of your efforts. Set yourself a sample plan, such as: I plan to walk for at least 30 minutes 4 times each week.

Your target heart rate

To condition your heart and lungs, you should bring your heart rate to a certain point called the “target heart rate zone.” When you stop exercising, quickly take your pulse to find out your heartbeats per minute.

To get your pulse rate, count the number of beats for 10 seconds and multiply by 6. Ask your health care professional to teach you how to know if you’re exercising within your target heart rate zone.

Figure your maximum heart rate by subtracting your age from 220. Your target heart rate is 50-75% of your maximum heart rate.

So, if you’re 50 years old, your maximum heart rate is 170 and your target heart rate zone is 85-127.

My heart rate range: bpm

My eating plan

Talk about your diet with your doctor, nurse or dietitian. Together, fill in the blanks below. Then use the sample chart to keep track of what you eat every day.

No. of calories per day

No. grams of fat per day

Weight (weigh yourself once a week)

Foods to avoid:

Good foods:

Use this chart to keep track of your daily intake of calories and fat.

No. of Calories No. of Fat Grams
Daily Total

How can I learn more?

Talk to your doctor, nurse or health care professional. Or call your local American Heart Association at 1-800-242-8721.

If you have heart disease, members of your family also may be at higher risk. It’s very important for them to make changes now to lower their risk.

Do you have questions or comments for your doctor?

Take a few minutes to write your own questions for the next time you see your doctor. For example:

How much weight should I lose?

How fast should I lose weight?