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    Thread: Animal roids (deca)

    1. #1
      Newb-user's Avatar
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      Default is quality vet deca a good quality roid ???

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      • Animal roids (deca)
      • Animal roids (deca)
      • Animal roids (deca)
      • Animal roids (deca)
      • Animal roids (deca)
      • Animal roids (deca)
      Ok i just found out that my deca is from quality vet or sumshit is that cool ??? or is it bad?? plz reply

    2. #2
      TestRip7's Avatar
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      good or bad of your product depends on if you got a fake or a real one. QV has alot of fakes floating around out there. If you have some really bad luck and inject a fake it could possibly put you in the hospital while you get painfully treated for an abcess and infection caused by dirty gear.

      Disclaimer: Any information that TestRip7 shares is strictly for entertainment and role playing purposes only. TestRip7 is a fictional character and in no way condones the use of any illegal substances or activities otherwise.

    3. #3
      Newb-user's Avatar
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      no its straight form pharmacy :0 100% real qv and my sustanon and primo same 100% real shit

    4. #4
      Big*dog15's Avatar
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      • Animal roids (deca)

      • Animal roids (deca)
      • Animal roids (deca)
      • Animal roids (deca)
      • Animal roids (deca)
      • Animal roids (deca)
      • Animal roids (deca)
      QV is for real. I've used several of their products. No problem.

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