Hi all. I'm 5 days away from starting my 1st cycle and have been doing research for quite some time now. I currently have on hand:

4000 mg Test. Cyp.
2200 mg Deca
D-bol, plenty
Nolvadex, plenty
Clomid, plenty

6 year training experience

Goal: 10-15 pounds

I was considering running the following cycle:

Weeks 1-4: D-bol, 30mg ED
Weeks 1-10: 400 mg Cyp
Weeks 1-10: 200 mg Deca

However, I've reconsidered and have decided on an oral-only cycle for my 1st time. I really want to go all out, but I think the less gear I use the better, and that I will still get some reasonable gains from d-bol. Furthermore, I think I will develop an understanding of how my body reacts to AAS and that will help in the consideration of future cycles.

The only question I have left is how relevent PCT is with a straight d-bol cycle. Should I be doing Nolva throughout? Is PCT even necessary at the end of such a cycle? Here is what I was thinking of doing:

Week 1: 10mg ED
Week 2: 20mg ED
Weeks 3-4: 30 mg ED
Week 5: 20mg ED
Week 6: 10mg ED

While some may think the light start is a waste, I want my body to have the opportunity to respond and adjust before I attempt a larger dosage. Therefore, I think a gradual increase makes the most sense. I'm also some may think that 6 weeks is a long time to run an oral cycle, but I think that given the relatively low dosage it shouldn't be a problem.

I'm eager to hear thoughts and comments before I start, especially concerning the PCT strategy. All thoughts and comments are welcome, of course