Went to the club on Saturday night. I was upstairs playing pool with the boys while the girlfriend and her friend were danceing.

Anyway, the GF comes upstairs to whine to me about some "skinny highschool punks" that were bugging them. I told her to just ignore them and go dance on the other side of the floor.

About 15minutes later she comes back upstairs and says they are still bugging them and one of them grabbed her friend's ass. I told her to come play pool... she gave me the "Do what I say or no nookie for a week" look. So I said "let me finish this game and I'll go talk to them". She left, I finished my game.

As I walked down the stairs, I see the GF and "some skinny highschool punk" having what looked to be a very heated conversation.

I don't know what got into me, but I just grabbed the dude from behind right at the base of his neck/shoulder. I then just clinched down...HARD. I guess those forearm workouts have been working, because he dropped to his knees almost immediately. I started screaming at him from behind. I don't even remember what I said.... Then a bouncer comes flying up, but the GF gets his attention and they (girlfriend and friend) tell the bouncer the guy has been fealing them up. The whole time I got this kid by the neck and he's on his knees infront of the girlfriend.

I thought the bouncer was going to drag me out by MY neck. But to my surprise, he walked around to face the guy and said "Tell her your sorry" the punk said "F you" so I clenched down as hard as I could. The poor kid couldn't do nothing but tense up and grab helplessly at my arm. I was about to get down on 1 knee to really squeeze him when he surprised me by spitting out an apology. I then thanked the bouncer as he walked the guy out.

That was one heck of a cool bouncer! It's been my experience that the 1st thing they do is club the guy(me) on the back of the head.