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    Thread: Tips for a newbie

    1. #1
      Th3w0rld1sm1ne's Avatar
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      Question Tips for a newbie

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      • Tips for a newbie
      What's up everyone, this is my first post ever here on this board. I must say this place is a breath of fresh air, i was ecstatic when i found it and read through alot of the posts/archives. Seems like you guys really know your stuff!!

      First, a little bit about me and my situation...

      I'm currently 6'2 190 lbs.

      i got serious this past summer about training and eating etc after alot of bullshiting around in the gym for years and enlisted the help of a bodybuilder friend. I really started to see resulets and become obsessed with training, and bodybuilding in general. I went all the way from 180 to 203 from august to october ( i know that's not much for some of you freaky bastards but for someone like me who had never seen any cuts or size before it was HUGE!) Anyway, i seperated my shoulder at the end of november, and have been unable to train heavy anything but abs, forearms and legs. I also do very light weight rotator cuff excercies two days a week. The one good thing i've gotten from this miserable injury is a burning desire to get even more serious about training. I'll never take annother minute of a workout for granted!... but anyway, i don't mean to ramble, and this IS the AS form after all, not the woe is me i'm hurt fourm.

      So... Here's what i'm asking the board. I'm interested in getting my first cycle laid out so when i get my shoulder re-conditioned and can finally go heavy everywhere again i can hit the ground at full speed, and know what i'm doing. I've done hours upon hours of research, and have a basic understanding of some of the gear that's out there, but i am hungry from input from real people with real experience.

      Here are some questions i have, and i would be most greatfull and indebted for any feedback.

      1. What is a better cycle for a beginner?

      a.d-bol tabs/test/winny injectable
      b.parabolan/test/winny injectable
      d.a combination of these, or none? Something else i don't know about?

      Keep in mind that i am looking to pack on as much as possible and keep it as long as possible... I'm not trying to get huge for a compition and then loose it or something, and i've heard some gear is only good for that... So i guess what is the best combo of those for packing on as much solid, hard weight as possible and keeping it on with hard work afterwards?

      2. I've heard nolvadex is better than clomid as an anti estrogen... is this true? Is armidex better than all three? Is it so much better that it's worth the rediculous prices?

      3. I have a slight case of gynecomastia that never went away after puberty... Should i take my anti-estrogen during the entire cycle? or only at the end? I've heard that if you take it the whole time, your gains won't be as big, or as solid... Is that true?

      4.what is the differece between a ml and a cc? Aren't they the same? Some sites list certain gear by mg/cc and some list it by mg/ml? is it all the same?

      5.About dosing: Let's say i had two amps of sust. and each had 250mg/ml... would i do two injections for 500mg? or simply draw 1ml from one amp and 1ml from the second amp, turn it over, get the air out and shoot?

      6. Where can i learn how to inject properly. I've looked at some pretty detailed places online, but i would like some personal instruction if possible? Do local health departments usually offer help in showing people how to do this? This might be a stupid question...

      7. I took some prohormones before my injury (boldione, 3-alpha) and lost some hair, i have a thick head of hair anyway, but it was disturbing none the less. It DOES grow back right? I didn't loose enough to really notice much, but those were only prohormones. Can i take ******** or something else to counteract the hair loss?

      Well, that's alooot of questions. I know it's only my first post, and you guys don't know me, but i would really appreciate ANY tips or feedback on any of my questions.


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    2. #2
      bdtr's Avatar
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      1. Best beginner cycle -
      500mg test split into 2 shots a week for 12 weeks along with 20mg of nolva ed and clomid + nolva post cycle. Start clomid 2 weeks after your last injection. Also make sure to be getting 4000 cals a day or so and 1.5-2 grams of protien per lb of bodyweight.

      2. Nolvadex is better than clomid, and ari is better than nolvadex although it will leave you with an unfavoriable lipid panel. This cycle is light so nolva alone will do you fine.

      3. Take the nolva the entire time and have plenty on hand. Better safe than sorry. It wont hinder your gains, it will just lower water retention which would be lost anyway.

      4. ml = cc

      5. With sust you need every other day injections. With test enanthate you would do two injections a week.

      6. www.spotinjections.com - just read the whole site, injecting is a very easy process and simple to be sterile and safe about it. It's just hard getting over that first poke.

      7. Hair thats lost on cycle is usually lost for good, atleast in my experience. You can try some ******** or finastride etc..

      If you have any more questions feel free to ask.

    3. #3
      John Benz's Avatar
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      For a first cycle, you will make good gains on test or Sustanon alone, with maybe some d-bol to kickstart the cycle.

      Week 1-8: 500mg Sustanon, 250mg per injection. D-bol 25 mg ed broken into 3-4 small doses. If you have 5 mg tabs just space them 2-3 hrs apart for best results. Rotate the injection sites.

      Go to spotinjections.com for pinning advice.

      Nolvadex is better than clomid and if you are prone to gyno, you can run it at 20mg ed day throughout cycle. You probably don't have true gyno, just fatty tissue. Start Nolva the day of your last shot and run for 2 weeks.

      Hairloss due to steroid use is irreversible. ******** will help some, but most hairloss is permanent. Pro-hormones have most of the sides but little of the potency.

      And a cc is the same as a ml.

    4. #4
      orion76's Avatar
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      I wouldn't take winny if you have a shoulder problem bro. Whatever you do leave the winny out.
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    5. #5
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      ari is better than nolvadex although it will leave you with an unfavoriable lipid panel.

      what do u mean by this?
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    6. #6
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      In simple terms, it will screw with your cholesterol.

    7. #7
      bowbow's Avatar
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      I know test by itself for a firt cycle is enough but maybe adding in about 300mg a week of deca might really do the shoulder problem good. It's just a thought, but if your healed a 100% then you won't need it anyway.
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    8. #8
      71olds442's Avatar
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      i would wait til your shoulder is completely healed and you have a few months of regular training under your belt before you jump into AS. if you mess up your shoulder again, its just going to put you into a whole lot of problems.

    9. #9
      trip's Avatar
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      ditto what olds said

      suggest six months of training after shoulder problem

      you don't realize how much strength you will gain on 500 mg of test, all your lifts could go up 25-30%, which puts a huge amount of stress on an old injury, last thing you want to do is end backwards from where you started, and possibly with a serious long term injury

      if you do more reading, when you read note the injury issue, it is serious

    10. #10
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      and the idea behind taking things like deca because it helps joints is really only going to have an effect on someone who has minor soreness, not a dislocation... and even that isnt a guarantee.

    11. #11
      lsu777's Avatar
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      what olds and for a cycle what bdtr.
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    12. #12
      lxorl's Avatar
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      agreed with everyone.. test alone is a good beginner... you could run dbol for the first 4 weeks and jump start your gains.... use nolva the entire time, I got a small case of gyno and it sucks.

      also, lift for a while after you are healed before jumping on.
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    13. #13
      XxDAHULKxX's Avatar
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      Keep it as simple as you can. Everyone here gave great advice. My personal 1st cycle was:

      Test E: 500mg/wk
      D-Bol: 30mg/day for first 4wks to kickstart cycle.
      Ancillaries: Nolvadex.
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    14. #14
      Th3w0rld1sm1ne's Avatar
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      You guys kick ass man... this is exactly the place i've been looking for. Is the reason to just run test that i'm not at a level where i will actually be "using" the other AS that i would be taking? In other words... any gains i could posibly make at this level would completely be covered by just test? If so, thanks, you saved me a shitton of money.

      Have any of you had a seperated shoulder before? I'm doing my rotator cuff excercises and i think it's feeling stronger... Any other remidies you can sugest besides ice/heat anti-inflamitories and rest? I'm also taking glucosamine suflate/chondroiton.

      I really appreciate all the good advice, thanks for everything.
      I run suicide drills over and over with the weight of the world on my shouders... I'm far from being god, but i work god damn hard.

    15. #15
      muscle_n_blood's Avatar
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      • Tips for a newbie
      Get well before you start your cycle. If you aren't at at least 75% of full speed, you will likely reinjure yourself.
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