ok,last cycle turned out to be a disaster,so after pct which i have just completed i will be starting today with my news resolution to be massive so after much research on yours truly fg and precisionmuscle here it goes:

week 1-40 test cypionate 800mg
week 1-5 sust 1/2cc ed
week 1-4 abombs 1 tab ed after 1 week 2 tabs ed
week 10-20 deca 400mg
week 21-39 deca 300mg
week 20-39 600mg eq
week 10-13 d.bol 50mg ed (if liver agrees:p )
week 1-40 500iu hcg every saterday and sunday
nolva on hand (run at 40mg ed on hcg days)
clomid/nolvadex pct
slin 4 weeks on 4 off 10-11iu pw only (novorapid)

stats : 5ft 11
weight : 200lbs odd
bf : around 10%
cycles : 11
training : 11 years

diet will be around 5500cal,not really going to be that strict for first 20 weeks just getting in set amount of food.training will be a 3 on 1 off 2 on 2 off split training 1 x bp per week except calves which will be 2 x week.structured around basics.

wish me luck