i went to take a bunch of my kids toys and cloths to a goodwill near my house. there was no attendent. a car and a minivan were parked at the drop off spot. a fat middle aged man and his fat ugly woman were grabbing stuff and pileing it in the van while a young couple from the car assisted. i said "that isnt for you" the skinny boy from the car told me to "fuckin" mind my own business, i dropped my box of cloths and charged him cussing. he backed up tripping but not falling over his fat girlfriend. backing to his car getting in and closed and locked the door. the fat girl ran to the car and they screeched off leaving me with the fatty middle aged white trash piece of shit theives. i told the man to unload his van. i sat with my arms crossed while he and his woman did as i said in silence, there were a few items left in the van when they were done i said "those too" the lady said those are our jackets. i said "did you hear me, those too" they put their jackets in the pile. i told them as they were leaving if i ever saw them here again i was calling the police going to jail would be better than what i would do.

i had a bad afternoon yesterday the M1T makes me grumpy, my wife is PMSing and *****ing, i had to change some fixtures in the house and the damn parts the guy sold me didnt fit. i wanted that kid to jump on he is lucky he is a quick little fuck.