I was going to be starting my next ccyle soon. I will run 400mg/wk Cyp. My questions are about anti e's I ran .25 L dex for my first cycel which was basically the same. I had no problems, but I do have some gyno that never went away after puburty. I want to run Nolv along with the L dex @ 10mg/ed. Does this sound like a good idea? I will be using low doses of HCG also in this cycle to maintain my boys. Should I use this amount or more/less?

I also was thinking about running ******** this cycle, to prevent any hairloss as I have a receeding hairline anyway. I have heard ******** can cause gyno, and was wondering if this was due to the fact that it doesnt alow DHT conversion so it converts to estrogen instead, and that is where the problems start to occur. Would those anti e's take care of my worries about the ******** as well?