Hey guys,

Could someone help me make this better:

7:00 - Breakfast
30g whey shake + skimmed milk
Some oatmeal + water

10:25 - Break
50g whey shake (with water)

1:15 - Lunch
Whey shake
Some fruit (usually an apple/oranges etc)
some chicken/turkey

4:15 - home time
usually a mrp (meal replacement)

6:00 - Dinner
Dinner is normally, chicken breast fillets (skinless, boneless), some vegetables i.e. brocolio, cauliflower and maybe some pasta

8:00 - 9:00 - Gym
not daily, but when i do train (3x a week)

9:00'ish - post gym shake
30g whey shake + 10g dextrose

25g casein (long lasting protein)

any suggestions on how to imrpove it would be greatly appreciated

oh btw im trying to bulk

as for stats i am

19, 6`3 189lbs
not sure of bf% (ordered calipers though..so shall know soon!)