home form gym and sum black kid threw bottle at my car tryin to eb fuckin wise guy i slammed on break put in arked run ot chase the mutha fucker like a block i said fuck it drove off stopped at light i check ym door the fuckin back door to the fornt of it where it opens bye front wa sbent so i tried to open it and it hits the front door now so im really fucked pissed off i go in ym car get snapple bottle i pissed in it drove back bye where i got hit wit it and wiated a few mins so imwaitin i see the fuckier wit sum of his boys i oepend top drove by and threw it at them well i assume it got all over b/c they seemed quite pissed so i swung around gave them the "hi cutie wave" and smiled but im sitll fucin pissed that my door is fucked up on my car (1990 crown vic jsut got the mutha fucker2 weeks ago)