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    Thread: Wut is your opinion?

    1. #1
      XxDAHULKxX's Avatar
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      Default Wut is your opinion?

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      • Wut is your opinion?
      • Wut is your opinion?
      Ok guys, it's been 9 weeks off an 8wk cycle of test, first four weeks stacked w/dbol. I gained 20lbs, lost 4. Everything is back to normal again, my guys are back up and running the factory! Now i'm starting to feel like a fat slob, so i've been cleaning out my diet little by little. This coming week i will be starting the ckd. And hitting the cardio 3-4x/wk. Considering that my training/cardio/and diet is in check, do you think this cycle is good:

      Weeks 1 - 10: 400mg test-e for maintanence.
      Clen- 2 weeks on 2 wks off w/eca on the off wks.

      T-3: This is where i have the main question. I've been doing a lot of reading for t-3, but need you all's opinion. Some say cycle it throughout the cycle w/clen on 2wks on 2wks off. Some say just take a low dosage throughout. And some say start slow, taper up, maintain, then taper down. What do you all think? I was thinking of doing the tapering up, maintaining, then tapering down for 10wks. Need some opinions. Thanx!
      "We are born small and weak"
      "We die small and weak"
      "It's all up to you how you wanta look in between!"

    2. #2
      XxDAHULKxX's Avatar
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      hmmm,......Esta, can u breifly explain the %'s. I'm not quite getting them......Lets say i wanta go 3 wks on 3 wks off and another 3 wks on. Would it be something like this: (got it from bodybuilding.com)

      25/25/25/50/50/50/75/75/75/100/100/100/75/75/75/50/50/50/25/25/25 µg/day
      "We are born small and weak"
      "We die small and weak"
      "It's all up to you how you wanta look in between!"

    3. #3
      XxDAHULKxX's Avatar
      XxDAHULKxX is offline Established Member
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      • Wut is your opinion?
      WHATA DUMBASS I AM! LOL!......ok, now i get it. Thanx alot Estan!
      "We are born small and weak"
      "We die small and weak"
      "It's all up to you how you wanta look in between!"

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