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    Thread: Personal...Familly Issue I Could Really Use Some Advice Fellas

    1. #1
      Squirrel Masta's Avatar
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      Default Personal...Familly Issue I Could Really Use Some Advice Fellas

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      • Personal...Familly Issue I Could Really Use  Some Advice Fellas
      • Personal...Familly Issue I Could Really Use  Some Advice Fellas
      • Personal...Familly Issue I Could Really Use  Some Advice Fellas
      • Personal...Familly Issue I Could Really Use  Some Advice Fellas
      • Personal...Familly Issue I Could Really Use  Some Advice Fellas
      • Personal...Familly Issue I Could Really Use  Some Advice Fellas
      Hey fellas I wanted some feedback on a family issue from real down to earth guys so here's my scenario.

      About a yr ago my mom got diognosed with ovarian cancer, but it was so far spread in her stomach, intestins, ect. The doc said when they operated that they were only able to take out a small portion of the tumor and that they saw hundreds of other little tumors some as small as a grain of sand other as big as a finger nail spread over her stomach. They basically told us that she was terminal and she would not have much longer to live. They did say that they would be giving her chemo therapy, but she mostlikely would not respond to it because of her cancer stage. My mom is one of them ladies that is not afraid to die, because her connection with God is that strong but she said that it was not her time she still had to enlight a lot of more people before she left this earth. She is not just a sunday church goer, she goes twice a week with her prayer group and volunteers at our local church. While in the hospital one of her prayer group members goes in with a hand written notel. She said that she had spoke with God and said that my mom was going to be alright that it was going to be a tough road ahead but that he is watching over her and her children. This lady is one that prays on your forehead in latin and 90% of people faint. They are all Roman catholic just incase you may have thought otherwise.

      Just a few months my mom had her second operation and the doctors came out into the lobby and said it was a miracle. That they had never seen something like that happen before, they said they didin't find any trace of the tumors and even believed that there was no more cancer cells, but they still gave her more chemo just incase. But like I said they were amazed and told us that the chemo could have not done that alone because it's just not possible.

      To make a long story short she is in her last month of chemo and because she was getting the flu she went in to the doctor and asked for flu medication and the stupid fucken doctor gave her Vicodin. Nevertheless my mom took 3 and she said she felt really drunk so she took a nap and didint wake up till the next morning, but her face and hands were really puffy you could hardly recognize her so we took her to the emergency room and there they found out the doctor prescribed Vic's for her. The nurse was in shock that the doctor did it and said it was very careless of him because chemo and vic's dont mix and could have potentially cause greater problems. Now I am telling my mom we need to get a lawyer and see if we have a case, but she is the type of lady's with a huge heart and says that thank god nothing happened so we could just leave it at that. I think I need to do this not just for money, but for other patients this doctor might look after. With a lawsuit I think he will be taking better precaution.Do you guys think we have a case?

    2. #2
      jack hust's Avatar
      jack hust
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      sounds like it to me i would explain it to a lwywer and see waht they say , you can find one who give free consulation im sure

    3. #3
      space mountain's Avatar
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      i say u do have a case but im no lawyer bro..that is one of the best stories of life ive heard in a while....glad to hear your mom is doing ok
      If bigger is better then im better than ever !

    4. #4
      Squirrel Masta's Avatar
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      I also wanted to say that I am not sure what I believe in, but I think it would be stupid and selfish of me to ignore this sign from God and keep ignoring him so I can live the same life I am living.

      I want to say that if any of your family members ever get diognosed with cancer please try to help them find god by any means necessary. When my aunt found out she had breast cancer she went into depression and she did not want to talk to anyone. Her chemo was one of the lightest and she would cry and cry because of pains and she had no appetite she looked a lot worse than my mom.

      On the other hand my mom is a true SOLDIER. You cant even tell when she goes to chemo she never has complained and I have yet to see her cry not even after loosing her hair. She eats everything and has no problems I am serious all of her doctors tell us they could only wish everyone was strong like her.

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      that really is just awesome bro..
      If bigger is better then im better than ever !

    6. #6
      darmadoc's Avatar
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      First off, I'm happy your Mom is doing so well. However, don't waste your time with trying to generate a lawuit here.

      In order to have a sucesful malpractice suit you need to have negligence. Regardless of what you were told, I have never heard of any reason that chemotherapy and vicodin can't be given together. Negligence means that something was done that a prudent doctor would never do. I don't think your event passes that test.

      Second, you have to have damages. What was the bad outcome here that resulted from the vicodin that wouldn't have happened otherwise. I don't think there are damages here.

      If your Mother is back to doing well, why generate a bunch of negative energy, when her goal seems to be to generate positive energy for everybody around her. Just my two cents worth.

    7. #7
      tinytim's Avatar
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      i dont know what i belive religion wise but i have a few ideas......i only know that everything happens for a reason.......you mom is apparently not done with what she needed to do. if shes ok i wouldnt worrie about getting a lawyer...fi he realized what he did to her you bet hes proly gunna pay mor attention to whats going on ......

      thanks for the good story .
      Stuck in the Desert.

    8. #8
      njjuicer's Avatar
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      i feel for u bro my mom died of cancer 12 years ago i mena id probably have beaten the docotr to a mess but if she fine and has a good attitude and dotn want to caus eno bullshit move on ..
      The Don Juan of Fitness Geared


      Csecratary fo Staet for Natoinla Decauation

    9. #9
      murph0110's Avatar
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      thats awesome that she is ok, but she wants to let it go so i would leave it at that

    10. #10
      DrtyJrzyGuy's Avatar
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      yor mother is lucky! you shoudl approach the doctor yourself, and tell him what happened and how it made you feel, i don't think lawyers are teh right way to go, cause really, i mean that sjust gonna get the doc defensive, but i think someone coming up to him and saying liook what you almost did and bringing it on a personal level will make him more likely to be substantially more careful. .. .atleast it would if i where a doc.

    11. #11
      SUGARBABY's Avatar
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      • Personal...Familly Issue I Could Really Use  Some Advice Fellas
      • Personal...Familly Issue I Could Really Use  Some Advice Fellas
      • Personal...Familly Issue I Could Really Use  Some Advice Fellas
      What a great story! Your mom sounds like a wonderful Lady and you are all lucky to have her in your life!

      As far as the lawsuit is concerned - I would be thankful for all of the blessings that have been bestowed on you and forget about seeking compensation. Though, I think talking to the dr. directly is a good idea - that is just my two cents.

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