Need some feedback on my next cycle:

Week 1-10
Nolvadex 10 mg ED

Week 1-8
ICN GALENIKA (test enanthate) 750mg a week

Week 1-6
NAPOSIM (D-Bol) 35mg a week

Week 4-10
Fina 100mg EOD


Week 11
Clomid 100mg ED

Week 12-13
Clomid 50mg ED

Also I am worried about getting a bad batch of ICN GALENIKA (test enanthate). Can someone enlighted me on the subject?
I did a search but I am not to sure if the info I read was from a while ago. Just want to make sure the the ICN is good to go!
With this cycle should I use HCG with my PCT? This will be my first time going over 600mg of test. Never used HCG, so I am not to sure how to use it. Thanks for everyones response