I am new to this forum so greetings all. I have recently started hard lifiting again and I am very interested in the transdermal PH, especially the "build your own" option on PowerNutrition.Net. 10 total grams can be added to the gel of the ratio of your choice of 3 PH...1-AD, 4-AD, 4-OHT. I am not totally sure how to combine these in one 10g bottle. What I was thinking of doing was 5g 1-AD, 2.5g 4-AD and 2.5g 4-OHT. I would like some input from some of you more PH intelligent folks out there on what would be the best thing to do here. Or maybe another PH route altogether, although from what I have read transdermal is the way to go for PH. I do not plan on jumping right in on what seems like such a highly potent PH stack, I plan on doing the transdermal a month or so after I do a short 3 or 4 week cycle of egropharm 1-AD and 4-AD. Any and all help will be greatly appreciated. Thankyou.
