Stats as of Now...12/7/03
5'8 203lbs 12%b.f.
Diet: Clean Bulk starting at 4500 cals and as I grow so to do the calories, and macros.
tons of protein and low GI carbs(except post workout dextrose)
shooting for 450-550 g pro a day, carbs will fall into place
Lot's of flax oil and fish oil will round it out....
Anti E: arimidex, nolva, Hcg, Clomid, Liver Protectors: Milk thistle, ALA, Tylers

This is my 3RD cycle, here it is officially, (After some modifications)

WKS 1-10: Shanghai Enan 750mg/wk
Proline EQ 750mg/wk
Dbol British Disp. 30mg ed
.5 arimidex, 10-20mg nolva ed

WKS 11-16: Shanghai prop.800wk/
EQ(will stop in wk 14, to allow for proper pct)750/wk
Winny 50mg ed
T3 at 12.5 to 50mcg for the full 16wks
-Also seriosly considering adding IGF to the mix of things-any opinions-it is only my 3rd cycle so maybe I should wait

Hcg-haven't decided when yet...
Run arimidex all the way through Pct..Clomid at typical 300/100/50
With Novla 10-20mg all the way as well...Will up Calories 500 or more after cycle to maintain as much mass as possible...
All right, fellas I'm stoked about this one,
Goal 235lbs at least, will not accept less.

My long-term goal is to get my pro card within 5 years, I'm 21 now.
What do ya think guys....

Those of you that are starting at around the same time let me know how things are going for ya...good luck...happy bulking