I will be doing my first cycle starting in December. I am on a natural cutting diet right now (by the end of this little cycle I expect to be 190 - 195 at aroudn 9-11%).
I am going to talk to the trainer that can supply me and knows a lot about "the stuff" tommorrow and have compiled a list of questions.
Could you guys also answer them and give advice so I will have multiple points of view and please let me know of other questions I should consider when talking to him.

THANKS A TON!!! I am in an extreme learning process right now and appriciate any info.

My stats
Age = 25
Weight = 207
BF guestimation = 15%
Training experience and Diet Knowledge and practice are 100% ON KEY!!! I have been using www.fitday.com to log my diet since 2 weeks ago when I really starting hitting the diet hard again. If you would like to view here is a link to my public journal.


Should I go to my doctor and get a complete physical beforehand?

If for some reason I got a new job that required a drug test would a normal administered drug test be cause for concern?????

A mixture of Deca-Durabolin and Test-Enanthate has been recommended to me for a good first ever cycle, would you agree??

If so what dosages would you recommend?? It has been recommended to me for deca - 400mg EW and the Test-e 500mg EW. Are these good dosages or should I look at modifying??

Administration? Is it better to do one inject of each substance per week or divide it out into multiple injects per substance?

Should I stagger start the drugs to be able to tell what side effects (if any) are coming from what. Its been recommended to start both at the same time but safety is a big concern and stagger start just SEEMS from a logical standpoint to be safer??

While "on" what side effects should I look/feel for?

Whats needed during the cycle in case of gyno or other side effects?

I am already designing a diet and planning for 4500 - 5000 calories a day (PURE CLEAN) while on and also while doing recovery and dowtime after recovery. Should I reconsider and are there any Protein/carb/fat general breakdowns that you would recommend.

What is the absolute best for post cycle meds? Nolvaldex, Clomid, Clenbuterol or a mixture???? I have heard good things and been recommeded Clomid.

What dosage of post cycle meds would be acceptable. I have read and been recommened a staggering cycle like fairly high dosages first couple of days off, then reducing dosages throughout until the end. What is correct??