Originally posted by myself at MC. It's intended to be comical, so if any woman feels offended: don't be!

If you try to protect her, you’re too macho
If you don’t you’re a wooz

If you work hard, there is not enough time for her
If you don’t work hard enough, you’re a bum

If you tell a woman she looks good, they call it harrasment
If you don’t, you’re indifferent

If you cry, they'll call you weak
If you don’t, they call you insensitive

If you like sexy underwear, you’re a sexist
If you don’t, you’re gay

If you buy her flowers, she thinks something ‘s wrong
If you don’t, she thinks you don’t think off her often enough

If she has a headache, she ‘s tired
If you have a headache, you don’t love her anymore

If you want sex too often, you’re a sex-maniak
If you don’t, she ‘ll think you have an affair

If she wants to stay single, she’ll call it independence
If you want to stay single, you have fear of binding

If a man says horny things over the phone, he’s a pervert
If a woman says horny things over the phone, it ‘ll cost you a buck per minute