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    Thread: help for old guy

    1. #1
      mustsquat's Avatar
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      Default help for old guy

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      • help for old guy

      • help for old guy
      • help for old guy
      • help for old guy
      • help for old guy
      • help for old guy
      • help for old guy
      Need help for 55yr old.
      Did his first cycle of test/deca 300mgs wk
      for 8 wks and he loved it,made him feel
      great,better adittude,and of course alot better
      in the bedroom.My ? is would test at say 150mgs
      wk for extended period of time be harmfull?
      or HRT be the best way to go?

    2. #2
      jack hust's Avatar
      jack hust
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      150mg a week is not much it should not be harmful but if you can gethrt i would go that way

    3. #3
      HeHateMe's Avatar
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      Tell him to talk to his doctor about HRT. There are a lot more open-minded docs around nowadays than there used to be.

    4. #4
      trip's Avatar
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      That is pretty standard HRT dose you mentioned.

      Usually they will give you 200 mg every two weeks of cyp.

      Or you can do 100 mg of cyp every five days.

      If you can do research about HRT on the web, best to make your own decision of course.

      In general though, anything past the age of 40 is considered candidate for HRT. If your test level is below average for your age group that is when it's considered medically the way too go.

      Now thing to take into consideration most folks don't know test levels from youth, so you could be average for your age group, yet, still really low for your normal level.

      Either way, best too get blood work done regulary and then you should be fine, and lot's of folks stay on full time, their are several issue's, main one monitoring cholesterol levels.

      Hoped That Helped
      Good Luck

    5. #5
      BANNED!'s Avatar
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      I'm on HRT and I feel much, much better, I have been on for about 6 months and never want to go off plus my cholesterol has dropped significantly. My Dr. said that my test levals were that of a 60 year old male and I'm only 38, go figure.
      Right now he has me at 200mg every week.

    6. #6
      mustsquat's Avatar
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      • help for old guy
      • help for old guy
      • help for old guy
      • help for old guy
      Thanks for your replys
      I told him to go to his doc.
      first,but he dont like to,
      any way thanks for the input.

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