I'm just getting off my last cycle which was
sust 500mg
eq 400mg

post cycle, nolva and clomid

My next cycle is going to be in April
sust 750mg wk 1-12
eq 600mg wk 1-12
win 300mg wk 7-12
proviron 50mg a day wk 1-12

post cycle
clomid nolva and more prov

I was 180 when I started my last cyle in may and now I'm 195. I didn't eat as well as I should have and the next cycle I hope to maintain a strict diet. Also I wanted to do a light cycle in december, I was thinking 500mg of Ethanate, 300mg deca, 30mg of dbol for 10 weeks before my April cycle. Please give me your opinions, thanks.