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    Thread: My progress so far.

    1. #1
      palisades's Avatar
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      Currently I am 3 weeks into my test only cycle (my first) of 400 mg per week, which I am going to up to 500 pretty soon. I am 21 years old, 5'11 167 pounds. I am up from about 158 since I started the cycle, which I can only assume is water weight since the test shouldn't have kicked in that much yet right?. Strength gains have been coming up I have upped my bench max from 205 to atleast 235 maybe more. All that I have noticed besides weight gains and some strength gains is a couple pimples on my back, only noticeable because I have never had any before but not a big deal at all. I am confused about the increases in strength and weight because I thought test takes atleast 4-6 weeks to kick in, and if so do you usually get that much water weight so soon? Or does this mean that it has kicked in a little quicker for me, (i am definately lighter than most of the guys on here, not sure if that makes a dif though). I'm doing injections twice a week monday and wed.

      I posted my workout schedule below, take a look and see if this is ok for good gains. It doesn't really seem I am working out enough.

      Day one - Chest (Flat bench, incline bench, Cable flies)
      Day two - Back ( Lat pull downs, seated row, shrugs) Maybe deadlifts.
      Day three - off
      Day four - Shoulders ( Dumbell presses, Dumbell Laterals, Upright rows, bent over rear delt raises)
      Day five - Arms (Curl bar curls, hammer curls, preacher curls)
      Day six - Legs ( Squats, calf raises)
      Day seven - off

      I am usually doing reverse pyramid sets, ie 8 reps, (raise weight) then 6 reps, (raise weight), all the way down to where I can only do one or two. the majority of the sets are to failure.

      Do you guys think I am working out enough and with enough exercises per muscle group? I am not in the gym that long each day. Like 45 mins plus time to do abs. I posted this in the training forum also. I almost feel like I'm not doing enough. Let me know what you guys think. thanks bros


    2. #2
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      From my limited experience, when you're on AAS, it always seems like you're not doing enough (work at the gym). Yet one should keep in mind that diet is at least 50% of your gains and REST is very important too. Personally, I'm trying to focus on getting STRONGER. So when I work out, I really try to push myself toward that end. You know that you're pushing yourself if your face is red and sweating after a couple sets.

      Eat like an animal, you'll grow.

      I don't want to critique your workout, because I think it's a pretty individual thing... which should be changed up fairly often anyways. Yet I will say this: really focus on your DEADLIFTS and you will get really strong and feel really strong. You could literally devote an entire workout session to them and then take the next day to recover.

      Still, that's just my opinion. You may hate the darn things. Deadlifts will surely show you where your weak links are in the chain of complete strength. The trick is to work on your weak links to bring them up to speed with your stronger areas.

      Feel free to disagree. Nothing but hopes for your success here.
      I know nothing about any of this insanity... it's just a fun game to me.

    3. #3
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      Default Re: My progress so far.

      Originally posted by palisades
      Currently I am 3 weeks into my test only cycle (my first) of 400 mg per week, which I am going to up to 500 pretty soon. I am 21 years old, 5'11 167 pounds. I am up from about 158 since I started the cycle, which I can only assume is water weight since the test shouldn't have kicked in that much yet right?. Strength gains have been coming up I have upped my bench max from 205 to atleast 235 maybe more. All that I have noticed besides weight gains and some strength gains is a couple pimples on my back, only noticeable because I have never had any before but not a big deal at all. I am confused about the increases in strength and weight because I thought test takes atleast 4-6 weeks to kick in, and if so do you usually get that much water weight so soon? Or does this mean that it has kicked in a little quicker for me, (i am definately lighter than most of the guys on here, not sure if that makes a dif though). I'm doing injections twice a week monday and wed.

      I posted my workout schedule below, take a look and see if this is ok for good gains. It doesn't really seem I am working out enough.

      Day one - Chest (Flat bench, incline bench, Cable flies)
      Day two - Back ( Lat pull downs, seated row, shrugs) Maybe deadlifts.
      Day three - off
      Day four - Shoulders ( Dumbell presses, Dumbell Laterals, Upright rows, bent over rear delt raises)
      Day five - Arms (Curl bar curls, hammer curls, preacher curls)
      Day six - Legs ( Squats, calf raises)
      Day seven - off

      I am usually doing reverse pyramid sets, ie 8 reps, (raise weight) then 6 reps, (raise weight), all the way down to where I can only do one or two. the majority of the sets are to failure.

      Do you guys think I am working out enough and with enough exercises per muscle group? I am not in the gym that long each day. Like 45 mins plus time to do abs. I posted this in the training forum also. I almost feel like I'm not doing enough. Let me know what you guys think. thanks bros


      I regualry do regular sets. For example for chest i do 3 different exercises. I start off with flat bech for 5 sets. I go heavier on each set. Next incline 4 sets, and finally decline 3 sets. That how I work the muscle groups.

      Bro u didnt include triceps bro. U could do scullcrushers, rope press-downs, kickbacks, and dips bro. For triceps I only do 3 sets for each exercise man.

      On legs bro u need more that squats bro. Squats are good but add some leg extensions, lying leg curls, leg presses, and some deadlifts. Thats a complete leg workout bro hitting all muscles on the legs bro. For calves try doing a variety of exercies for them.

      About the test bro, all I can say ur supposed to gain more weight bro cause test usually takes around 5-6 weeks to kick in man. Me personally Ive never done test alone, Im currently taking it at 600mgs/wk this being my last week on it 10weeks. I took it with dbol and put on a good amount of weight during this cycle. I went from 210 to 230 within 7-8 weeks. Plan to gain a little more if I can. But it should start kicking in within the 4th -6th week bro. Just train hard, rest, and eat lots of protein and u will grow amigo. Good luck buddy.

    4. #4
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      i think test effects people differently. I know that 2-3 weeks after I started Sust, I was up 15 pounds and by the fith week I was up 25 lbs, it was my first time using test. Don't be surprised when you come off and you drop a good bit of weight. Your strenght will slowly go down but you should retain a good portion of it. I know I was a little pissed when I shrank after the cycle was over but I looked at a picture of myself before I started and a pic from when I was done and thet brightened my day!
      bharper at cyber-rights . net
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    5. #5
      palisades's Avatar
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      Sorry I forgot to include the exercises I do for Triceps, but I definately do rope pulldowns, dips, and skullcrushers. Thanks for all the info guys.


    6. #6
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      All is great, enjoy!

      First cycle, good workout regime, good diet, dedication, all good.

      Could move that wednesday inject to thursday to smooth out the test levels and give your inject area a little more rest so it doesn't get irritated.

      Other than that all good.

      Good Luck

    7. #7
      trip's Avatar
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      All is great, enjoy!

      First cycle, good workout regime, good diet, dedication, all good.

      Could move that wednesday inject to thursday to smooth out the test levels and give your inject area a little more rest so it doesn't get irritated.

      Other than that all good.

      Good Luck

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