2 orals at a lower dose instead of one (post #1)
I'm going to add in winny to my Test/EQ while bulking. What I would need to know is what one would get best results of while bulking of these 2 alternatives
½ tab of chinamans winny ED(25mg)
½ tab of Anadrol ED(not chinamans) 25mg
both ED
50mg Winny ED chinamans
I have tried chinamans winny before and like them a lot.
would 25mg anadrol + 25mg winny be a hole lot more toxic than the dobble dose of winny, 50mg ED??
The length would be 5 weeks looking like this
Either 5 weeks 50mg winny
5 weeks winny 25mg ED and anadrol 4 weeks 25mg ED, ghoing one week longer with the winny.
also use a milkT. and ALA. 2g/1.5g per day
I'm going to add in winny to my Test/EQ while bulking. What I would need to know is what one would get best results of while bulking of these 2 alternatives
½ tab of chinamans winny ED(25mg)
½ tab of Anadrol ED(not chinamans) 25mg
both ED
50mg Winny ED chinamans
I have tried chinamans winny before and like them a lot.
would 25mg anadrol + 25mg winny be a hole lot more toxic than the dobble dose of winny, 50mg ED??
The length would be 5 weeks looking like this
Either 5 weeks 50mg winny
5 weeks winny 25mg ED and anadrol 4 weeks 25mg ED, ghoing one week longer with the winny.
also use a milkT. and ALA. 2g/1.5g per day