I think this is going to be a good cycle what does everyone else think?

750mg sust 250 per week for 10 weeks
50mg winny every day for 10 weeks
I am thinking about taking winny tabs and injectable together...so I may up my dosage weeks 2-8 to 100mgs of winny every day. That would be 1 shot and 5-10mg tabs every day.
I am going to run liquidx and clomid. I just need to know when I should run the clomid and liquidx and how much.
I am also thinking about adding Tren in there for 8 weeks. I haven't decided. If I like my results I am thinking of bridging for and staying on for another 12 weeks. My current size is 245 around 6 foot. I would guess 24 percent body fat. What do you guys think.