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    Thread: Insomnia

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      tonedee's Avatar
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      Question Insomnia

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      Does anyone here know how to fix insomnia? Are roofies the best solution or do muscle relaxants work too?

    2. #2
      BigSoda's Avatar
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      somas,ambien tylonal pm????????????

    3. #3
      rado's Avatar
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      read my paper if you can.....good stuff I wrote.


      I will paste it for you in case you can't get in.....

      I In no way, shape or form encourage, use nor condone the use of any illegal substances or the use of legal substances in an illegal manner. The information discussed here at Fitnessgeared.com/or Fitnessgeared.com newsletter is strictly for entertainment purposes only. I’m not a registered nurse, physician, and dietician nor do I have any licensing to say or what to take or do. I write from my own personal experience and research that I’ve done for myself, but I’m glad to share any information that can or would be beneficial to any human being. Thank you.

      Sleeping Disorder(s) and/or Insomnia;

      Insomnia – complaint describing difficulty in sleeping.

      Insomnia is anticipated to affect more than half of the U.S. adult population, now that’s upsetting. Insomnia can take many different forms, difficulty falling asleep or staying asleep. This one in particular was my problem, it actually still is. Waking up too early is another one, had a short problem with this as well. Medication was prescribed and somewhat got better; I will get into detail later. A survey was completed by the National Sleep Foundation, 58% of adults reported having insomnia at least a few nights a week. And the vast majority of those surveyed agreed that sleep loss can have a major impact on their lives:

      • 93% agreed that sleep loss can impair work performance
      • 92% felt that sleep loss can increase one’s risk of injuries
      • 90% agreed that not getting enough sleep makes it difficult to get along with others
      • 86% believed that sleep deficits can lead to health problems

      About half of Americans reports sleep difficulty at least frequently. These woes called insomnia by doctors have far reaching effects. If you have trouble falling or staying asleep, or you wake up feeling un-refreshed, you may be suffering from insomnia.

      There are three basic types of insomnia:
      1. Transient insomnia; lasts only a few nights. It is often caused by jet lag, temporary stress, excitement, illness, or a change in sleep schedule.

      2. Short-term insomnia; lasts up to three weeks. It often results from more prolonged stress or worries, such as financial troubles, death of a loved one, job change, or divorce. If not addressed, short-term insomnia may escalate into a chronic problem.

      3. Chronic insomnia; also known as long-term insomnia, lasts more than a month. It can occur every night, most nights, or several nights each month. Chronic insomnia is often caused by a medical problem; treating the underlying problem may alleviate the insomnia. Chronic sleeplessness may also be caused by bad sleep habits.

      Insomnia is a disorder. It may be caused by stress, anxiety, depression, disease, pain, medications, sleep disorders or poor sleep habits. Stress is considered to be the #1 cause of short-term sleeping difficulties, I can attest to that myself. I never noticed the problem I had until a few recent happenings that took place. It all started with loss of concentration, poor work habits, loss of social activities and loss of sex drive. Usually the sleep problem disappears when the stressful situation passes. However, if short-term sleep problems such as insomnia aren't managed properly from the beginning, they can persist long after the original stress has passed.

      That's why it's a good idea to talk to a physician about any sleeping problem that recurs or persists for longer than one week. Your doctor can help you take steps early to control or prevent poor sleep. Since insomnia can also be brought on by depression, evaluation by a healthcare professional is essential.

      Sleep Disorders - broad range of illnesses arising from many causes, including, dysfunctional sleep mechanisms, and abnormalities in physiological functions during sleep, abnormalities of the biological clock, and sleep disturbances that are induced by factors extrinsic to the sleep process.

      Some of the biggest “Sleep Stealers” are Psychological Factors, Lifestyle Stressors, Shift Work, Jet Lag, Environmental Interferences, Physical Factors, and Medications. Some of those I’ve mentioned above and some of those like Medications, can interfere with sleep i.e.; some decongestants, steroids, medicines for high blood pressure, asthma, or depression can cause sleeping difficulties as a side effect. How is this is for a shocker, older adults do not need less sleep as they age. I was shocked when I read this, and sorry that I forgot the source, but it was a good read I found recently. Like younger adults, they require between seven to nine hours of sleep nightly, and if you can get these kinds of hours for sleep, please do so. Older people may seem to need less sleep because they are prone to waking up more frequently during the night.

      Shift work amazingly can also be a problem, most Americans don’t realize that. In all actuality about 20% of Americans work late at night, that’s an astounding number in my opinion. Studies have shown that shift workers are two to five times more likely than employees with regular daytime hours to fall asleep on the job.

      Discover Patterns to try and help you sleep better. To solve any problem, you have to identify it first. One reliable way to pinpoint your sleep problems is to keep track of each night’s sleep for about seven days. If you really put an effort into this, believe me it works.

      Things to avoid for better sleep;

      • Try not to exercise within three hours of bedtime, something I got in the habit (a bad one too) of doing. Some people try to tire themselves out by exercising close to bedtime. This approach can backfire, since exercise actually stimulates the body by speeding up the heart rate and metabolism. There’s a positive flip side: Exercising on a regular basis (during the day) may help you sleep well at night. But we all knew that right?

      • Smoking, Yea I know, some of you don’t want to hear this, but hear me out. Nicotine is a stimulant that can keep you awake. Keep away from smoking in the six hours before your bedtime, at least try. You can thank yourself later or me after your better night sleep.

      • Caffeine can delay your sleep (for obvious reasons) and cause you to wake up or not got to sleep at all during the night. Avoid caffeinated drinks and foods (coffee, tea, cola, and chocolate) if possible after the evening. Or you may want to try avoiding caffeine entirely and see if your sleep improves.

      This information provided below was taken from www.CNN.com/Health

      Prescription sleep medication


      Brand name Generic name Prescribed for

      Ambien Zolpidem Insomnia
      Ativan Lorazepam Anxiety/Insomnia
      Dalmane Flurazepam Insomnia
      Halcion Triazolam Short-term insomnia
      Restoril Temazepam Short-term insomnia
      Valium Diazepam Anxiety/Insomnia
      Xanax Alprazolam Anxiety/Insomnia

      Natural sleep aids


      A white apple-scented flower that aids in calming the nerves. Chamomile is often taken as a bedtime tea.

      Form: Dried, capsules, aromatic oil

      Method for sleep: Teas, baths, aroma


      Hops are flowers that can promote sleep. It is used extensively for the treatment of Insomnia. They are known to lower tension and anxiety.

      Form: Raw, extract

      Method for sleep: Teas


      A non-narcotic flower occasionally used to treat insomnia. Often used in teas.

      Form: Raw flower, extract

      Method for sleep: Teas


      The leaves of the catnip herb have long been used in inducing relaxation. Its lemony mint-scented leaves are commonly used in brewing tea.

      Form: Dried leaves

      Method for sleep: Teas


      The leaves of the lemon balm herb have been used for centuries in Europe to treat headaches and restlessness. It can be blended with herbs such as chamomile and peppermint to make a relaxing bedtime tea.

      Form: Raw leaves, oil

      Method for sleep: Teas, baths, massages.


      The aroma oil from the lavender plant often helps in bringing about a relaxed state. People commonly add a few drops of lavender to a hot bath and directly to a pillow.

      Form: Oil, lotions

      Method for sleep: Aroma, teas, massages, baths


      Passion Flower is effective in treating transient insomnia. It is specifically useful in relieving restlessness. It aids the transition into a restful sleep without any narcotic hangover.

      Form: Dried, capsules, oil

      Method for sleep: Aroma, teas, bath oil


      An herb that is used in effectively treating insomnia, headaches, and restlessness.

      Form: Dried leaves

      Method for sleep: Teas


      Valerian root is a powerful natural sedative and muscle relaxant. Scientific studies have shown valerian root to be effective in reducing the time it takes to fall asleep. Valerian root can be taken in tablets or combined with teas or other foods.

      Form: Raw, tablets, powder

      Method for sleep: Teas, tablets

      Melatonin is a naturally occurring chemical in the body that has been available to consumers since the early 90's. The body’s ability to produce melatonin begins to drop somewhat after the age of 40 in most people. The hormone is not strictly regulated by the FDA and is considered a food supplement. Some doctors recommend using melatonin to lessen the disruption to the body's natural clock caused by jet lag. . Some doctors recommend using melatonin to lessen the disruption to the body's natural clock caused by jet lag.

      Well this is what I’ve come up with for this topic, well if I really wanted too I could go on and on. This topic is endless in my opinion. I’ve looked at different articles, books, magazines etc…Well my next topic will be on Depression and maybe some medication that can help with depression.

    4. #4
      tonedee's Avatar
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      Thanks but I don't think much traditional medicine works in my case. I'm gonna try rohypnol tonight, maybe it will work.

    5. #5
      rado's Avatar
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      Originally posted by tonedee
      Thanks but I don't think much traditional medicine works in my case. I'm gonna try rohypnol tonight, maybe it will work.

      well if your going that way, well good luck. you should stay away from shit like that...not good..

    6. #6
      Drenten's Avatar
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      Nice post, Rado.

      How you deal with insomnia will depend upon several factors, most important of which is determining the root of the problem.

      I assume that your insomnia is due to steroid use. For me 10mg of Valium combined with 25mg of Diphenhydramine (OTC) works well. Melatonin also works well for many people.

      I don’t know if you have ever used Rophynol before, but most people that have will find that although it does put you to sleep, you will usually wake up felling like you didn’t even sleep. It knocks you out, but you don’t really get any rest and you usually feel groggy and sluggish the whole next day – at least I do.

    7. #7
      rado's Avatar
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      Originally posted by Drenten
      Nice post, Rado.

      How you deal with insomnia will depend upon several factors, most important of which is determining the root of the problem.

      I assume that your insomnia is due to steroid use. For me 10mg of Valium combined with 25mg of Diphenhydramine (OTC) works well. Melatonin also works well for many people.

      I don’t know if you have ever used Rophynol before, but most people that have will find that although it does put you to sleep, you will usually wake up felling like you didn’t even sleep. It knocks you out, but you don’t really get any rest and you usually feel groggy and sluggish the whole next day – at least I do.
      thx D....I just try to keep people away from drugs of that nature, next thing you know you have an addiction to them. I've had my share with sleeping problems and have taken just about all the medication the drug companies make for it. But like you said, 1st you have to find out where it's coming from, and it's more than likely the gear.

    8. #8
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      Honestly get some melatonin (sp?) from the drug store it works wonders for me. There are time release ones too.

    9. #9
      THE JUICE's Avatar
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      i hate not being able to sleep at nights, right now im going through that and its killing me and my time. I go to bed at 1am and cannot fall asleep till like 5-6 in the morning. Sucks

    10. #10
      ballsmyberries's Avatar
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      Informative post. I having insomia like crap now and I'm losing alot of sleep. But I just found out that L-Carnitine or the BCAA i'm taking might be the culprit behind this. I stopped for a day and I can sleep. Take it, there goes my sleep....

    11. #11
      tonedee's Avatar
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      it seems like over the counter is more fruity than funny. I would try the ruffies with ghb or some muscle relaxants with it.

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