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    Thread: Different Tests?

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      getnhuge4240's Avatar
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      Question Different Tests?

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      What is the difference/benefits of test cyp, test enth, and test prop? thanks

    2. #2
      gearjunky's Avatar
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      test is test bro, they just have diffrent esters thats all
      test enanthate will take longer to kick in, also cyp. prop is a bit quiker in your system(couple days). but all in all, test is test
      Gearjunky is only an imaginary character
      I realy weight 135lbs and never used a dumbell in my life.

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      localboyz's Avatar
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      look at the profiles on the forum home page. lots of info.

    4. #4
      newone's Avatar
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      What else are u thinking of running? Gearjucky is right its all about the esters.

    5. #5
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      Testosterone cypionate:

      is the most popular and most used testosterone. Cypionate, like enatanthe, is an oil-dissolved inject-able form of testosterone with strong androgenic and anabolic ef-fects. It aromatizes quite easily which means that the conversion rate to estrogen, similar to enanthate's, is relatively high. Several athletes are of the opinion that cypionate stores more water in the body than enantathe does. The muscle buildup during the applica-tion along with the inevitable loss of strength and muscle mass af-ter discontinuing use of one product, are the same with the other. Testosterone cypionate can be combined with many steroids and thus making it an excellent mass steroid. As with enanthate the dosage range is 250-1000 mg/week although several athletes inject megadoses (see Testosterone enanthate).

      Almost everything written in this book about Testosterone enanthate can be applied to cypionate. In our opinion most athletes will not notice a difference between the two compounds. Testosterone cypionate is one of the drugs which is most frequently faked. The products by Lemmon, Goldline, and in-ternational Pharmaceutical available on the black market are fakes and almost certainly contain no cypionate. The price situation is the same as with Testosterone enanthate. For 1 ml of 200 mg or 250 mg, $ 10 - 15 are being asked and also paid.

    6. #6
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      Testosterone enantate:

      is an ester of the naturally occurring andro-gen, testosterone. It is responsible for the normal development of the male sex characteristics. In the event of insufficient testosterone production an almost complete balance of the functional, anatomic, and psychic deficiency symptoms can be achieved by substituting testosterone." (Excerpt from the package insert of the German phar-maceutical group, Jenapharm GmbH for its compound Testosteron--Depot.)

      These lines clearly describe what an important and effective hor-mone testosterone is. One of the many testosterone substances is the testosterone enanthate. In a man it is normally used to treat hypogonadism resulting from androgen deficiency (1) and anemia (2). Surprisingly, in medical schools testosterone enanthate is also used in women and children. Boys and male youth take it as growth therapy and women take it as an "additive treatment for certain growth forms of the nipples during post-menopause". In bodybuilding, however, it is THE "mass building steroid." No matter what you think of Dianabol, Parabolan, Anadrol 50, FinaJect, and others, when it comes to strength, muscle mass, and rapid weight gains, testosterone is still the "King of the Road." Testosterone enanthate is the European counterpart to Test-osterone cypionate which is predominantly available in the U.S. (see also Test. Cyp.). Testosterone enanthate, as most trade names al-ready suggest, is a long-acting depot steroid. Depending on the metabolism and the body's initial hormone level it has a duration of effect of two to three weeks so that theoretically very long intervals between injections are possible. Although Testosterone enanthate is effective for several weeks, it is injected at least once a week in body-building, powerlifting, and weightlifting. This, by all means, makes sense since Testosterone enanthate has a plasma half-life time in the blood of only one week.

      The decisive advantage of Testosterone enanthate, however, is that this substance has a very strong androgenic effect and is coupled with an intense anabolic component. This allows almost everyone, within a short time, to build up a lot of strength and mass. The, rapid and strong weight gain is combined with distinct water reten-tion since a retention of electrolytes and water occurs. A pleasant effect is that the enormous strength gain goes hand in hand with the water retention. Weightlifters and powerlifters, especially in the higher weight classes, appreciate this characteristic. In this group, Testosterone enanthate, Testosterone cypionate, and Sustanon (see also Sustanon) are the number one steroids; this is also clearly re-flected in the dosages. Dosages of 500 mg, 1000 mg or even 2000 mg per day are no rarity-mind you, per day, not per week. Sports disciplines requiring a high degree of raw power, aggressiveness, and stamina offer an excellent application for Depot-Testosterone. The distinct water retention has also other advantages. Those who have problems with their joints, shoul-der cartilages or whose intervertebral disks, due to years of heavy training, show the first signs of wear, can get temporary relief by taking testosterone.

      For the bodybuilder, the water retention that goes hand in hand with Testosterone enanthate cuts both ways. Certainly, one gets rap-idly massive and strong; however, one's reflected image after a few weeks often shows completely flat, watery, and puffy muscles. The muscles appear as if they have been pumped up with air' to new dimensions, yet during flexing nothing happens. Those who do not believe this should bother to go visit the so-called "bodybuilding champions" during the OFF-season when these exaggerated quanti-ties of "Testo" come in. A look at the now defunct bodybuilding magazine WBF makes it even clearer. An additional problem when taking Testosterone enanthate is that the conversion rate to estrogen is very high. This, on one hand, leads the body to store more fat; on the other hand, feminization symptoms (gynecomastia) are not unusual. However, it must be clearly stated that this depends on the athlete's predisposition. By all means, there are athletes who even with 1000 mg +/week do not show feminization symptoms or fat deposits and who suffer very low water retention. Others, however, develop pain in their nipples by simply looking at a Testoviron-De-pot ampule. Yet the additional intake of Nolvadex and Proviron should be considered at a dosage level of 500 mg+ /week. As already men-tioned, Testo is effective for everyone, whether a beginner or Mr. Olympia. Testosterone enanthate also strongly promotes the regen-eration process. This leads to distinctly shorter overcompensation phases, an increased feeling of well-being, and a distinct energy in-crease. This is also the reason why several athletes are able to work out twice daily for several hours six times a week and continue to build up mass and strength. Those who can work out again two hours after a hard leg workout know that Testo works. Athletes who take Testosterone enanthate report an excessively strong pump effect during training. This "steroid pump" is attributed to an in-creased blood volume with a higher oxygen supply and a higher quantity of red blood cells. Those who take megadoses of Testoster-one enanthate will already feel an enormous pump in their upper thighs and calves when climbing stairs. Despite this we recommend that steroid novices stay away from all testosterone compounds. To make it very clear: Those who have never taken steroids do not yet need any testosterone and should wait until later when the "weaker" steroids begin to have little effect. For the more advanced, Testoster-one enanthate can either be taken alone or in combination with other compounds.

      For adding mass Testosterone enanthate combines very well with Anadrol 50, Dianabol, Deca-Durabolin, and Parabolan. As an ex-ample, a stack of 100 mg Anadrol 50/day, 200 mg Deca-Durabolin/ week, and 500 mg Testosterone enanthate/week works well. After six weeks of intake the Anadrol 50, for example, could be replaced by 40 mg Dianabol/day. Principally, Testosterone enanthate can be combined with any steroid in order to gain mass. Apparently a synergetic effect between the androgen, Testosterone enanthate, and the anabolic steroids occurs which results in their bonding witli sev-eral receptors.Those who draw too much water with Testosterone enanthate and Dianabol or Anadrol, or who are more intere6ted in strength without gaining 20 pounds of body weight should take Testosterone enanthate together with Oxandrolone or Winstrol. The generally taken dose-as already mentioned-varies from 250 mg/ week up to 2000 mg/day. In our opinion the most sensible dosage for most athletes is between 250-1000 mg/week. Normally a higher dosage should not be necessary When taking up to 500 mg/week the dosage is normally taken all at once, thus 2 ml of solution are injected. A higher dosage should be divided into two injections per week. The quantity of the dose should be determined by the athlete's developmental stage, his goals, and the quantity of his previous steroid intake. The so called beach- and disco bodybuilders do not need 1000 mg of Testosterone enanthate/week. Our experience is that the Testosterone enanthate dosage for many, above all, depends on their financial resources. Since it is not, by any means, the most economic testosterone, most athletes do not take too much. Others switch to the cheaper Omnadren and because of the low price con-finue "shooting" Omnadren.

      Testosterone enanthate has a strong influence on the hypothalamohypophysial testicular axis. The hypophysis is inhib-ited by a positive feedback. This leads to a negative influence on the endogenic testosterone production. Possible effects are described by the German Jenapharm GmbH in their package insert for the com-pound Testosteron Depot: " In a high-dosed treatment with test-osterone compounds an often reversible interruption or reduction of the spermatogenesis in the testes is to be expected and conse-quently also a reduction of the testes size." Consequently, after reading these state-ments, additional intake of HCG should be considered. Those who take Testosterone enanthate should consider the intake of HCG ev-ery 6-8 weeks. An injection of 5000 I.U. every fifth day over a period of 10 days (a total of 3 injections) helps to reduce this problem. At the end of the testosterone treatment the administration of HCG, Clomid, Nolvadex and Clenbuterol is now quite common. To some extent the use of these compounds helps absorb the catabolic phase and helps elevate the endogenic testosterone level. By this method the strength and mass loss which occur in any event can be reduced. Those who go off Testosterone enanthate 6cold turkey6 after several weeks of use will wonder how rapidly their body weights and former voluminous muscles will decrease. Even a slow tapering-off phase, that is reducing the dosage step by step, will not prevent a notice-able reduction. The only options available to the athlete consist of taking testosterone-stimulating compounds (HCG, Clomid, Cyclofenil), anti-catabolic substances (Clenbuterol, Ephedrine), or the very expensive growth hormones, or of switching to milder steroids (Deca-Durabolin, Winstrol, Primobolan). Most can get mas-sive and strong with Testosterone enanthate. However, only very few are able to retain their size after discontinuing the compound. This is also one of the reasons why really good bodybuilders, powerlifters, weightlighters, and others take the "stuff " all year long.

      The side effects of Testosterone enanthate are mostly the distinct androgenic effect and the increased water retention. This is usually the reason for the frequent occurrence of hypertony (3). Those who have a predisposition for high blood pressure or whose blood pres-sure is elevated when they begin taking Testosterone enanthate should have it periodically checked by a physician. If necessary the intake of an antihypertensive drug (4) such as Catapresan is advisable. Many athletes experience a strong acne vulgaris with Testosterone enanthate which manifests itself on the back, chest, shoulders, and arms more than on the face. Athletes who take large quantities of Testo can often be easily recognized because of these characteristics. It is interesting to note that in some athletes these characteristics only occur after use of the compound has been discontinued, which implies a rebound effect. In severe cases the medicine Accutane can help. The already discussed feminization symptoms, especially gynecomastia, require the intake of an anti-estrogen. Sexual overstimulation with frequent erections at the beginning of intake is normal. In young athletes, "in addition to virilization,testosterone can also lead to an accelerated growth and bone maturation, to a premature epiphysial closing of the growth plates and thus a lower height" (Jenapharm GmbH, package insert for Testosteron-Depot).' Since mostly taller athletes are successful in bodybuilding, young adults should reflect carefully before taking any anabolic/andro-genic steroids, in particular, testosterone.

      Other possible side effects are testicular atrophy, reduced sper-matogenesis, and especially an increased aggressiveness. Those who transfer this aggressiveness to their training and not their environment do not have to worry. Unfortunately this is not the case in some athletes who take Testosterone enanthate. Testoster-one and Finaject are both primary reasons for some eruptions. In particular, high doses are in part responsible for anti-social be-havior among its users. One can talk here of a sort of "superman syndrome" that occurs in some users. Although Testosterone enanthate is broken down through the liver, this compound is only slightly toxic when taken in a reasonable dose; therefore, changes of the liver values do not occur as often as with the oral I 7-alpha alkylated steroids. Further potential side effects can be deep voice and accelerated hair loss.

      Women should normally avoid its intake since it could result in unpleasant androgen-linked side effects. The use of testosterone in women may cause symptoms of virilization such as acne vulgaris, hirsutism (5), androgenetic alopecia (6), voice changes, and occasional clitorial hypertrophy and an unnatu-rally perceived increase in libido. Changes in voice and alopecia must be classified as irreversible, hirsutism and clitorial hypertrophy as in part reversible." Women who are not afraid of this are found at many competition scenes. In our opinion, 250 mg is the maximum quantity of Testosterone enanthate that a fe-male athlete should take each 7-10 days. However in competition bodybuilding and especially in powerlifting much higher dosages and shorter injection intervals have been observed in women.

      Another interesting side effect of Testosterone enanthate is men-tioned in the bodybuilding magazine Muscle Media 2000, June July 1993 on page 45. Judging whether this is positive or nega-tive is left to the reader. 'A few years ago, the Lancet Medical Journal of England reported that they found testosterone (the proto-type anabolic steroid) to be a remarkably effective form of male birth control. Researchers conducted a 12 month study which included 270 men and determined that weekly injections of the hormone testosterone were 'safe, stable, and effective.' They dis-covered that weekly testosterone injections had a success rate of 99.2% as a birth control method. That makes it more effective than the birth control pill (97%) and much more effective than condoms (88%). The study also revealed that the effects of the contraceptive injections were entirely reversible upon discontinu-ing administration of the drug and that the testosterone injec-tions produced minimal side effects."

      Similar studies with identical data are also in progress at a German university clinic. Although this is not part of the actual subject of this book, these results stress at least the need for testosterone-stimu-lating compounds during and after the intake of Testosterone enanthate. Since it is effective for such a long period of time, Test-osterone enanthate is always taken more frequently by athletes during their "steroid intervals." An injection of 250 mg every 2-3 weeks helps maintain strength and mass. Whether this application makes sense remains to be seen; the fact is that it works.

      (1) Inadequate function of the genital glands (2) Anemia (3) High blood pressure (4) To reduce high blood pressure (5) Increased hair growth in face and on legs (6) Androgenic-linked loss of hair on the scalp.

    7. #7
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      Testosterone propionate:

      after Testosterone cypionate and enanthate, is the third injectable testosterone ester that needs to be described in detail. This makes sense because, unlike cypionate and enanthate, both of which are widely used and well-spread in Europe, proprionate is little noticed by most athletes. The reader will now certainly pose the question of why the characteristics of an apparently rarely used substance are described in detail. At a first glance this might seem a little unusual but when looking at this substance more closely, there are several reasons that become clear. Testosterone propionate is used on so few occasions in weightlifting, powerlifting, and bodybuild-ing not because it is ineffective. On the contrary, most do not know about propionate and its application potential. One acts according to the mottos "what you don't know won't hurt you" and "If oth-ers don't use, it can't be any good." We do not want to go this far and call propionate the most effective testosterone ester-, however, in certain applications it is superior to enanthate, cypionate, and also undecanoate because it has characteristics which the common test-osterones do not have.

      The main difference between propionate, cypionate, and enanthate is the respective duration of effect. In contrast to the long-acting enanthate and cypionate depot steroids, propionate has a distinctly lower duration of effect. The reader learns how long this time is from the package insert of the German Jenapharm GmbH for their compound "Testosteron Jenapharm" (see list with trade 'names): "Testosterone proprionate has a duration of effect of I to 2 days." An eye-catching difference, however, is that the athlete "draws" distinctly less water with propionate and visibly lower water retention occurs. Since propionate is quickly effective, often after only one or two days, the athlete experiences an increase of his training energy, a better pump, an increased appe-tite, and a slight strength gain. As an initial dose most athletes pre-fer a 50-100 mg injection. This offers two options: First, because of the rapid initial effect of the propionate-ester one can initiate a sev-eral-week-long steroid treatment with Testosterone enanthate. Those who cannot wait until the depot steroids become effective inject 250 mg of Testosterone enanthate and 50 mg of Testosterone propionate at the beginning of the treatment. After two days, when the effect of the propionates decreases, another 50 mg ampule is injected. Two days after that, the elevated testosterone level caused by the propi-onate begins to decrease. By that time, the effect of the enanthates in the body would be present; no further propionate injections would be necessary. Thus the athlete rapidly reaches and maintains a high testosterone level for a long time due to the depot testo. This, for example, is important for athletes who with Anadrol 50 over the six-week treatment have gained several pounds and would now like to switch to testosterone. Since Anadrol 50 begins its "breakdown" shortly after use of the compound is discontinued, a fast and el-evated testosterone level is desirable.

      The second option is to take propionate during the entire period of intake. This, however, requires a periodic injection every second day. Best results can be obtained with 50-100 mg per day or every sec-ond day. The athlete, as already mentioned, will experience visibly lower water retention than with the depot testosterones so that propionate is well-liked by bodybuilders who easily draw water with enanthate. A good stack for gaining muscle mass would be, for example, 100 mg Testosterone propionate every 2 days, 5p mg Winstrol Depot every 2 days, and 30 mg Dianabol/day. Propionate is mainly used in the preparation for a competition and used by female athletes. And in this phase, dieting is often combined with, testosterone to maintain muscle mass and muscle density at their maximum. Propionate has always proven effective in this regard since it fulfills these requirements while lowering possible water re-tention. This water retention can be tempered by using Nolvadex and Proviron. A combination of 100 mg Testosterone propionate every 2 days, either 50 mg Winstrol Depot/day or 76 mg Parabolan every 2 days, and 25 mg Oxandrolone/day help achieve this goal and are suitable for building up "quality muscles."

      Women especially like propionate since, when applied properly, an-drogenic-caused side effects can be avoided more easily The trick is to increase the time intervals between the various injections so that the testosterone level can fall again and so there is an accumulation of androgens in the female organism. Women therefore take propi-onate only every 5-7 days and obtain remarkable results with it. The, androgenic effect included in the propionate allows better re-generation without virilization symptoms for hard-training women. The dosage is usually 25-50 mg/injection. Higher dosages and more frequent intervals of intake would certainly show even better re-sults but are not recommended for women. The duration of intake should not exceed 8-10 weeks and can be supplemented by taking mild and mostly anabolic steroids such as, for example, Primobolan, Durabolin, and Anadur in order to promote the synthesis of pro-tein. Men who do not fear the intake of testosterone or the possible side effects should go ahead and give propionate a try. The side ef-fects of propionate are usually less frequent and are less pronounced. The reason is that the weekly dose of propionate is usually much lower than with depot testosterones. A daily injection of 50 mg amounts to a weekly dose of 350 mg while several depot injections easily launch the milligram content of testosterone into the four-figure range. When compared with enanthate and cypionate, pro-pionate is also a "milder" substance and thus better tolerated in the body. Those who are convinced that they need daily testosterone injections should consider taking propionate. The key to suc-cess with propionate lies in the regular intake of relatively small quantities (50-100 mg every 1-2 days.)

      Although the side effects of propionate are similar to the ones of enanthate and cypionate these, as already mentioned, occur less fre-quently. However, if there is a predisposition and very high dosages are taken, the known androgenic-linked side effects such as acne vulgaris, accelerated hair loss, and increased growth of body hair and deep voice can occur. An increased libido is common both in men and women with the use of propionate. Despite the high conversion rate of propionate into estrogen gynecomastia is less common than with other testosterones. The same is true for possible water reten-tion since the retention of electrolytes and water is less pronounced. The administration of testosterone-stimulating compounds such as HCG and Clomid can, however, also be advised with propionate use since it has a strong influence on the hypothalamohypophysial tes-ticular axis, suppressing the endogenous hormone production. The toxic influence on the liver is minimal so that a liver damage is unlikely (see also Testosterone enanthate). What athletes dislike most about propionate are the frequent injections that are necessary.

      As for frequent injections: The Testosterone Berco Suppositories by the German company Funke can help. This is quite an un-usual testosterone compound since these are suppositories. The suppositories contain 40 mg Testosterone propionate and are in-troduced into the body through the rectum. This form of intake also has an additional advantage. The substance Testosterone pro-pionate is reabsorbed very rapidly through the intestine. For a package with 18 suppositories the price on the black market is about $35.

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      Testosterone suspension:

      I just wanted to add this one

      In the following we will describe the testerone dissolved in water. For athletes who readily and frequently work with the popular oily testosterone suspensions (Sustanon 250 or Testosterone Depot) this information might be something new. Besides, water-dissolved tes-tosterone was actually the first injectable steroid. In Europe during the 1940's injectable testosterone was used in the German armed forces to increase aggressiveness and stamina, and also in the recov-ery of undernourished prisoners of war. This was nothing else but crystalline testosterone mixed with water. Russian weightlifters be-gan experimenting with this testosterone compound during the late 1 940's and broke one world record after another. Since, at the time, pure testosterone without additional esters was used, the substance remained in the body for only a few hours requiring daily injec-tions, and often several per day By first injecting the testosterone molecules with an ester, such as for example isobutyrate (in Agovirin), it was possible to prolong the duration of effect up to about one week.

      Since testosterone is dissolved in water the substance reaches the blood after only 1-2 hours so that it is unnecessary to wait longer for results, a circumstance that is advantageous to powerlifters. In the last one or two weeks before a competition testosterone suspen-sion is injected daily, often resulting in amazing strength gains. Of-ten Testo -suspension is even injected on the day of competition to increase the athlete's aggressiveness and self-esteem in order to ap-proach the difficult tasks with the right attitude. For this purpose, this rapidly effective testosterone is considerably more effective than methyltestosterone (see chapter "Methyltestosterone"). Among East European powerlifters and competing bodybuilders Testo-suspen-sion has always been a "last minute secret." Especially women can reliably change their estrogen/testosterone ratio to break down excessive water and to give softer muscles a visibly better hard-ness in a short time. Female bodybuilders usually have consider-ably greater difficulty in getting their calves and upper thighs in contest condition than their upper bodies. Often you see a female bodybuilder on the posing platform with striated pecs, delts and triceps, whereas her lower body appears flat and soft. For several reasons the estrogen level can be too high, leading to an increase in the hormone aldosterone. Since aldosterone regulates the body's own water household-meaning the higher the aldosterone level, the more water is stored by the organism-it is important to keep the aldosterone level as low as possible. Finally it is known that women by nature store fat and water mostly in their upper thighs. An optimal form for a competition requires a high an-drogen level with a minimal estrogen level. Women who on the day of competition never obtain the right muscle hardness can usually achieve a significant performance enhancement by in-jecting 25-50 mg Testosterone suspension daily during the last 1-4 days before the competition.

      However, men also use Testosterone suspension during the last 10-14 days before a bodybuilding competition to make an all-out effort for optimal muscle hardness. Athletes report outstand-ing results when Testo -suspension is used together with the car-bohydrate/loading technique. The athlete unloads his body by depriving it of carbohydrates for several days and begins loading carbohydrates three days before a competition with the goal of storing as much glycogen in the muscle cells as possible. He can optimize this process by taking 5 0-100 mg Testosterone suspen-sion/day. Testosterone suspension considerably boosts the stor-ing of glycogen in the muscle cells and, since dissolved in water, becomes effective almost immediately. As is known, glycogen also bonds with water in the muscle cells, which manifests itself in extremely tight and full muscles.

      In the mass-gaining phase Testosterone suspension is only rarely used. With respect to strength and muscle mass the gains, as with all injectable testosterone esters, are very good; however, this testosterone compound requires frequent injections in order to reach a performance-enhancing dosage. With 100 mg every 1-2 days rapid muscle gains can usually be obtained and the strength increase can usually be felt from the first day. However a stale effect remains since the injection of testosterone dissolved in water is not only extremely unpleasant but the pain at the injection area remains for some time. To endure such martyrdom for several weeks is not to everyone's liking. The gains disappear rapidly after use of the compound is discontinued.

      As for side effects, the same is true for Testosterone suspension as it is for other testosterone esters. A considerable part of the com-pound is converted into dihydrotestosterone in the body so that acne and hair loss occur quite frequently. The endogenous test-osterone production is already considerably lower after only a few days of use which during a several week long intake could result in testicular atrophy and temporary impotence. Women experience the usual virilization symptoms. An enormously in-creased sexual drive in both sexes is noted, often from the first day of intake. The same can be said about the influence of Testo suspensions on the aggression potential. Men are also at risk to develop a prostate condition or possible gynecomastia.

      The price on the black market for a 2 ml ampule, according to reports by ath-letes, is around $6 - 10. Since steroid molecules do not easily bond with water, Test-osterone suspension must be well shaken before the injection. Those who let the injection rest for more than 30 minutes with-out touching it will notice that the testosterone separates from the watery solution in form of a white, crystalline powder. After shaking, an opaque, white mixture is formed in the ampule.

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