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Liquidex with Test only cycle for first time:?

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  • Liquidex with Test only cycle for first time:?

    Hi guys I'm about to start my first cycle with test cyp 400mg per week for 10 weeks. I have nolvadex in case of gyno and of course clomid for post cycle recovery. My question is whether or not I need Liquidex. I know it will help keep the bloat off, but with such a simply cycle will I even experience very much bloat? I'm kind of on a tight budget and that is why I am asking, if you guys think it will help my cycle I think I am going to just wait a week or two and grab it (have to wait for pay check). Let me know guys. Im starting to get real excited about starting, only a couple days away. By the way stats are 160lbs 5'11 20 years old, working out 3 years, but about 6 months very seriously. Before that I was working out like 2-3 times a week. Thanks for the help bros, this board and before it have allowed me to learn so much.


  • #2
    honestly, i'm only 21 and i started juicing at 19 1/2 ... i'd say you have many miles to go before you consider juice ... i started too soon, and i was 5'11 190 abouts ... it's hard to put on mass after you juice, so you'd want to get to a good size before trying it out ...

    my opinion is to wait to try anything ..


    • #3
      The nolvadex is all you need. You may not even need that. I did 400mg for 10 weeks for my first cycle with 12mg of nolvadex a day. Worked fine.


      • #4
        Originally posted by MidnightRider
        The nolvadex is all you need. You may not even need that. I did 400mg for 10 weeks for my first cycle with 12mg of nolvadex a day. Worked fine.
        i agree. you wont need the ldex unless ure prone to bloat but most likely not. nolva is sufficient


        • #5
          Does anyone else have experience with juicing to get a head start, and then just working out clean from then on, and having a hard time getting any gains without drugs? Why would this be?

          My goals are to get 10-15 pounds of muscle mass, and then continue to work out real hard to get ripped.

          Also I don't need to use nolvadex throughout the cycle unless I see evidence of gyno. Is this correct or would it be better just to take it throughout the cycle, at say 12mg per day? Thanks for all the help.



          • #6
            Let me clarify my quesiton. Would it be harder to gain mass after juicing that it was before juicing? Thanks.



            • #7
              Originally posted by palisades
              Does anyone else have experience with juicing to get a head start, and then just working out clean from then on, and having a hard time getting any gains without drugs? Why would this be?

              My goals are to get 10-15 pounds of muscle mass, and then continue to work out real hard to get ripped.

              You should be working out 'real hard' right now. Steroids aren't a magic potion. You don't take a pill and wake up the next morning looking like Arnold.

              Seems to me that you have your philosophy backwards. You should be working out hard now to get a head start for when you DO decide to juice. Sure, guys that juice from the get-go blow up real quick. But they usually never develop that solid foundation/high quality muscle that a person that juices only after a few years of serious training naturally develops. Of course there are exceptions.

              I'm not trying to be an ass, btw. It just pisses me off when guys try to use short cuts (drugs) as a substitute for hard work and determination. This may or may not be the case in your situation. I dunno.

              Anyways, good luck with your cycle. You've obviously done your homework/research. 400mg test/wk for a beginner is an excellent cycle, and you should see fantastic results.


              • #8
                Originally posted by palisades
                Does anyone else have experience with juicing to get a head start, and then just working out clean from then on, and having a hard time getting any gains without drugs?
                lol good luck on just doing one cycle bro:p
                as for the nolva id just keep it on hand until
                the first signs of gyno


                • #9
                  Bro how old are? You need to build a better base before starting. Be serious for 2-3 more years then juice.


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                  • #10
                    I am working out very hard right now, eating right and I have been gaining muscle around 5 lbs in the last 2 months. I just haven't seen any evidence that by taking this shortcut, and gaining a little more weight quicker, that I will be hurting myself or my future gains. So with that in mind it is very hard to decide to wait another year or two. I'm in college now and in 2 years I won't be. Thanks for your guys's help and advice, I really appreciate it.

                    And I really don't think I am using drugs to substitute hard work and training, because I have been working hard at least the last 6 months (which I know isn't long) and plan on working out just as hard for the rest of my life. I sure as hell understand that steroids aren't a cure all, that I won't just grow by sitting on the couch drinking beer. : )


                    I hope I don't sound too much like a stupid kid, that wants to get big so he can get all the girls. No matter how true that is.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by palisades

                      I hope I don't sound too much like a stupid kid, that wants to get big so he can get all the girls. No matter how true that is.
                      Wether we like it or not, 80% of our drive to workout is for looking more attractive to the opposite sex, or same sex if thats your thing. Think about it.
                      I eat at least 6 times a day to build my body
                      I pray at least 6 times a day to build my soul


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by palisades
                        I am working out very hard right now, eating right and I have been gaining muscle around 5 lbs in the last 2 months. I just haven't seen any evidence that by taking this shortcut, and gaining a little more weight quicker, that I will be hurting myself or my future gains. So with that in mind it is very hard to decide to wait another year or two. I'm in college now and in 2 years I won't be. Thanks for your guys's help and advice, I really appreciate it.

                        And I really don't think I am using drugs to substitute hard work and training, because I have been working hard at least the last 6 months (which I know isn't long) and plan on working out just as hard for the rest of my life. I sure as hell understand that steroids aren't a cure all, that I won't just grow by sitting on the couch drinking beer. : )


                        I hope I don't sound too much like a stupid kid, that wants to get big so he can get all the girls. No matter how true that is.
                        I don't look at AS a "shortcut". I see it as the next step of a on going process. In my opinion, the idea your going to inhibit future gains if you don't max out naturally, doesn't hold water. You'll only get so big without juice and once you stop using you will slowly return to your natural state. So the question should be, do you plan on or want to use steroids throughout your life. Because thats what it will take to stay looking good. I think a person should train naturally first, to prepare there body and avoid injury, not to max out. I say train for another 6 months and then go for it and enjoy your college years.

