Man for the last 2 days my ankles have swolled up so bad.I have this( TTokkyo Cyp ) at 600 every 5 days and I just started it 7 Days ago. Im also on 75 ml Tren Ed 3IU HGH. I was using L-Dex for the last 9 days but only at 1/2/ ml ED. I just up it to 1ml Ed today and was wondering if I have to much ( E ) in my body right now abd is that why Im so bloated. MY ankles are really bad. I did my first shot of the CYP at 2ml & 1 ml of Tren in same pin as to save on injections( site of injection was Glutes). I also did my second on at 2ml of the Cyp. ( site of injection was thigh ) both times it hurt so bad for days and the muscle got really hard and hot. Any clue as whats up??????