For those of you who had luck with pre-contest dieting, I am entering my last 5 weeks here before my show. I feel like I am a little behind. The question is : Which do you guys feel, from experience, would be the best bet to burn off a couple of extra lbs of fat and sacrafice the least amount of muscle?

Increase Cytomel
Increase Cardio
Decrease calories further

I am currently taking 6 mcg of cytomel. I could go to a half but that tends to indiscriminatly burn everything.

Only doing cardio 3 X 45. Could add another day or two, but that can make you flat and also lose muscle

Can reduce cals further, I am doing 3 low carb days (200 grams) with one high carb day (450 grams)

Let me know what you guys have had the most success with as far as really taking off those last few lbs to get under 4% BF