Alright guys, here we go..... I live in a pretty large neighborhood and know quite a few people, well I was talking to this guy I know and he says have you heard about "The Ninja" in the neighborhood, i'm like what the fu*k are you talking about? I was so confused, I was thinking he was talking about a motorcycle, so I was like NO, what are you talking about. He says well "The Ninja" has been spotted lurking around in people's back yards & has been seen throughout the neighborhood at night.

By this time i'm totally confused, I said wtf, a motorcycle like a ninja? He's like NO, a Ninja, like a guy in a black suite with mask and shit. I've seen enough movies to know what a Ninja is I guess and i've seen some around haloween.

Then someone else said it later, have you heard about/seen "The Ninja" by this time my roomate and I are just laughing about it, cracking jokes........ well evidently this ninja isn't robbing people, hes just sneaking around like jumping from backyard to backyard. Nobody knows what he is doing.

So after all the jokes were over, I was up late last night, started thinking about it and I got scared. I mean I would not know what to think if I saw a Ninja in my backyard, like crawling along the fence or something, my imagination has got the best of me now and i'm picturing this ninja bouncing around from yard to yard and using throwing stars & numchucks as weapons, so I was peeking out the window and shit last night. I even slept with my TV on.

Man, and the worst part is my roomate is going out of town this weekend and i'm gonna be there alone, i'm thinking my dogs will protect me, but i'm not sure. I hope the Ninja does not get me.