Tell me what you think about this cycle and if it needs any adjustments. This is #5 and the experiment is to yield strength, mass, and defintion.
6-2 210 bf12%
Was up to 240 after last cycle and dropped some weight deliberately to get rid of the fat. I need to get my bench to 405 or I'll never be satisfied and I'm only at 350 on a good day juiced up and on coffee and speed lol.So heres's the cycle I consider it simple and complicated yet it might be too much shit to be taking.
wk 0=EQ 1000, CYP 1500
wk1-15 EQ 500
wk1-8 CYP 750
wk1-3 Prop 100eod
wk1-3 Drol100
wk4-6 Dbol 50
wk9-16 Prop100ed
wk9-16 Fina75ed
wk10-17 Winny 75ed
wk14-17 proviron 50ed
wk17-19 dhea250
wk17-18 hcg
wk19-22 Clomid
wk17-24 Nolva
wk1-4,9-12, 17-20 slin
might throw in some nyc then T3 wks13-16 if I turn into a fat bastard.

So that's it, and my concern is not keeping the gains because I'll get something out of it no matter what.The post cycle has to be like that because I know myself.

If the cycle is straight say something if it's fucked up say something if you don't know what to say don't say shit.