Ok I just got a few things from nonconsumables and he was nice enough to throw n the free clen. But what kind of clen am I getting? It looks like possibly his chemists might have made it because they are small white pills with a c indented on them.

Anybody know what the mg are per tablet?

I have only used Spiropent Clen before and it has been a few years since I last used it. But with the spiropent, even taking 1 tablet the first day my hands started to shake, and I gradually increased it.

Since these tablets look smaller then the spiropent I took 2 tablets at 2:00 I did not feel any hand shakes and my body temp did not go up at all. So at 4:00 I took another 2 tablets and by 6:00 I still felt no shakes or body temp increase.

How many of these do you need to take compared to Spiropent?

I mean c'mon taking 4 clen in 4 hours on your first day if you are not used to it your hands should be shaking beyond belief.

Has anybody used the free clen from nonconsumables as part of their offer. How much did you have to take?

I am pissed it is now 8:00 and I took 4 of these things and I feel like they are a sugar pill. Is this why they are free????