
Aries could be rather grouchy today. Whether someone in your life is getting on your nerves or you’re simply in one of those moods, you have a greater potential than usual to blow your top. If you find yourself coming off as more intense than you intended, it’s okay to take a step back so that you see how your words are traveling from your brain to your mouth. Being aware that you could have an edge today can help you overcome it before it even begins. You can choose to keep your vibe high with this energy and use it for good!


Taureans may experience a little more friction than usual, but it’s no match for the positive twist you can turn on any situation today. Difficult people may try to focus only on problems, but you may find it natural to shine your positive light and bring solutions to brighten the day. This can be a monumental Wednesday to add to your collection of great days. Enjoy!


Geminis could be called upon today to provide a helpful shoulder. Good listeners are always in demand — there probably won’t be a shortage of people eager to unburden and share what’s weighing them down. Just being there to hear them out; giving them the freedom to vent can be even more valuable than offering advice. Being a good friend can make you feel valuable, too.


Cancers will likely feel the tug of their charitable side today, and someone in their world may need a hand. Giving your assistance if you are able, is a rewarding experience when you know your heart is in it. Helping others is sometimes one of the most effective ways to build relationships and to raise your vibe. It can really warm your heart to make a difference.


Your internal drive is likely to be on full blast today. If you have any projects or ideas you’d like to finish, the energy will be right to tackle the things in your path. The Leo vibe will be better set up than usual for finishing what you start, so don’t hesitate to go big because there is no going home. If you keep a positive attitude, the sky can be the limit for what you accomplish today.


Your ability to turn thoughts into reality will be peaking today, so be mindful of what you think about and use this vibe to your advantage. Stay positive and open minded, pushing away any negative thoughts about yourself or your path as quickly as they come. Throughout the day, focus on what you want and circle back to those thoughts as often as possible. Then, be aware of what you draw into your life today and see how much closer you are to turning your hopes into reality.


Libras could have to face a curve ball or two today. It may not seem like it at the time, but sometimes it’s good to be forced out of your comfort zone. It allows you to see yourself from a new perspective and it gives you the opportunity to gain the satisfaction of success by rising above challenges. So if things get a little nuts today, hang in there and be confident knowing you’ve got this.


You may hit a few targets outside the bullseye today. Don’t see this as reflecting poorly on you — sometimes there are moving targets that are nearly impossible to snag dead center. The fact that you hit them at all is what will matter. Don’t beat yourself up today. You invariably learn from your misses and you often turn those experiences into new and exciting discoveries. Your passionate Scorpio heart can turn even a day of missed targets into a day filled with new ideas for tomorrow.


You could be reading people’s hearts and minds like a book today. You won’t be fooled by false glitter and superficial gleam, and your lie detector will be in full swing. How will you use your super, finely tuned intuition today? This amount of insight isn’t just for parlor tricks; you can use it to make this an exceptionally successful day.


Capricorns can push closer to the next level today. Are you ready to take things up a notch in an important area of your life? The energy will be just right to reach out and grab what you want with confidence today. Will you make perfect moves? Maybe — maybe not. You see, you don’t have to push for perfection today. All can work out if you just keep moving forward and and keep your eye on your goal. There will be time to fine tune things later, as long as you seize today’s energy and make it count.


You could feel extra charismatic today. You will be bound to speak with ease as you go throughout your day. If you’re looking to make a good impression or become friends with someone new, your vibe will draw people right in. You can have some exciting conversations and potentially open new doors if you allow your energy to shine.


Pisces could find it hard to keep their emotions in check today. You know when it is time to be objective, but you also find it tough sometimes to keep your emotions at bay. There is definitely a fine line, but finding this middle ground may not be easy today. Some clarity may be found in first using the great Pisces powers of intuition and then stepping back for reflection. Getting a little distance can give you a better perspective.