I am slackin on posting this even though I read mine daily.....so here it is


A friend in need could lean on you for some support today. If someone comes to you for backup, your input could make all the difference in the world to them. When you’re able to be there for a loved one in need it can not only change their day for the better, but it can lift you up as well. This is one of those times where your advice to someone else can shine a light into your own challenges, too.

Your friends or partners could really get under your skin today. Little things that you might normally let slide could ruffle your feathers more than usual. If you can avoid sweating the small stuff, focusing on the love you have towards them can ease the frustration. If you keep it light and remember why they’re pretty awesome, that love can overshadow any of those tiny quirks.

If you get into an unfamiliar situation, your intuition can come in to help you today. It may be Monday, but you’re likely to feel on top of your game and ready to think on your feet. The first strong answer that probably comes along may very well be the best one, so don’t waste a lot of time second-guessing your gut. You can get a lot accomplished with this energy!

Cancers will likely look for ways to adjust something that isn’t working for them. If your current schedule isn’t quite cutting it, you could be inspired to get on the right track today. The slightest adjustments can bring ease and comfort to your life with this vibe. How will you use it?

Troubles with personal matters can throw off a Leo’s self-assured stride today. The devil is in the details, as the saying goes, so watch out that you don’t gloss over specifics or allow your words to get harsh. A little tenderness and intuition today will go miles with a friend or partner. It can be a day for healing, getting back on track, and for connecting on a higher level as long as you’re open to it.

A little confusion will be bound to swirl around Virgos today. If you find yourself questioning even the most obvious things as you go throughout your day, take a step back and look at the bigger picture. Not everything is as it seems, but if you pull on that Virgo practicality, you may find that the most obvious solution is the right one. Trust your common sense and you will likely see the results you are looking for.

You can shine your light in dark places and light up entire rooms with your optimism and personal power today. Success can be yours, as long as you stay engaged in the moment and don’t get bogged down in the little stuff. “The world is my oyster,” should be your mantra for the day. What will you do with this epic vibe?

The Scorpio power, vivacity and problem-solving abilities converge today. Your talent for juggling lots of things could be tested today. You may get challenged with problems that need your skill for thinking outside the box. Being rigid in your thoughts or actions isn’t the way to get things done on a day like this. Flexibility, negotiation, and good old fashioned heart-to-heart chats will more in line for success with today’s energy.

Sagittarians could discover new financial stability by making small changes today. Time to take a look at your recurring charges, subscriptions, memberships, or make budget adjustments, too. Can you make adjustments that will pay off down the line? Job changes or promotions are potential options too. If you’ve been thinking about taking the plunge into something new, it’s a stupendous vibe to make positive changes.

Your attention could be divided between work and pleasure today. If you’re having a hard time staying focused on the task at hand, try getting creative with the things you need to do. You can even make it a game if that inspires you. You can have fun while taking care of business or stuff around the house —and still have time to focus on what lights up your world. Today can be a win-win for you!

Aquarians can have a hard time keeping their emotions in check today. Why not look to your favorite work-out or hobby to help you find some relief? Your body and mind might be calling out for exciting release. What’s your favorite outlet to channel excess energy? Tap into some creative expression when you have a moment or two and you could restore the balance of your mind, body, and spirit.

Independent thinking could be rewarded or noticed today. Some Pisces unorthodox ideas can be put to good use. Surrounding yourself with like-minded people can add some crazy fun to the mix. Your creativity can simply soar. What will you do with the ideas that come rolling in?