This past year, Wellness Resources brought a large variety of cutting edge natural health information to help you, our reader, understand how nutrient and disease research impacts you. We strive to publish health news articles that provide a range and depth of knowledge on relevant health concerns, including emerging areas of health concerns, nutrient features, prevention and risk reduction, and foundations for health and well-being. We want you to be empowered to take charge of your health and guide you in your journey towards long-lasting wellness!

I. Fundamentals of Nutritional Support and Your Health

Just like there is a routine to the work day and schedule, our body also follows a daily routine. It may not be a conscious thought, but it is crucial for your health. When your rhythm is in sync, things function well, and when it desynchronizes, internal chaos ensues. Meal timing, bowel movements, day-night rhythms, light exposure, essential nutrients, and healthy sleep patterns are all fundamental to good internal body rhythms. These articles are helpful guides to getting your internal clock to run well and set your body up for long-term health.
The Fundamental Pillars of a Nutritional Support Program
Nighttime Artificial Light Exposure Linked with Obesity and Hormone Changes
Meal Timing and Composition Affects the Circadian Clock
Healthy Poop: What is Your Digestive Tract Telling You?
Taming the Mind at Night: Help for Insomnia

II. Body Systems and Maintaining Your Health

The different systems of your body all need to be in top working order to maintain optimal health. The latest research on these systems is central for improving health in each system and your overall lasting health. These articles are focused on this new research and how to maintain these systems with practical solutions.
Macular Degeneration: Chronic Inflammation, Blue Light, Mitochondria and Blood Sugar
Hearing Loss Associated with Insufficient Nutrients
Tocotrienols Shown to Help Cancer, Obesity, Brain Inflammation, Hair Loss
What Your Dentist May Not Tell You About Your Oral Health
Psoriasis: More Than Just a Skin Disorder
Skin Tags: Nuisance or Leptin Problem?
Thyroid and Leptin
Elevated Leptin Causes Autoimmune Thyroid Disorders Hashimoto’s and Grave’s Disease
Mild Thyroid Failure Poses Hefty Risks If Left Untreated
Goitrogens and Thyroid Health: Are You Protected or at Risk?
Weight Loss Plateaus, Leptin Resistance, and Brain Inflammation
Adrenal, Sex Hormones
Mastering Menopause: Make It a Smooth Transition
Meds, Toxins, and Obesity Cause Breast Enlargement in Men and Boys
Heart Rate Variability – Why You Should Know Yours
COPD – Protecting the Lung Mitochondria and Microbiome
Asthma, Methylation, Leaky Gut Syndrome, and Roundup

Numerous Medications Cause Drug-Induced Liver Injury – Protect and Restore Function
Candida Overgrowth Linked with Inflammatory Bowel Disease
Type 2 Diabetes: Activating the Master Metabolic Switch
Combat Energy Crashes After Eating
Nighttime Urination – Nuisance or a Bigger Concern?
Depression and Stuck Negative Behavior Linked with Folate
Nutrients Help Depression, Anxiety, Mental Health
ADHD and Brain Inflammation: Quench the Fire
Feed Your Brain: Fundamentals for ADHD, Focus, Learning and Behavior
Taming the Chronic Migraine
Nerve Pain, Peripheral Neuropathy Support
Gluten Intolerance Affects Mood, Balance, Methylation, and Brain Inflammation
Antidepressants Cause Bone Loss, Breaks
Mold Allergies and Toxins – Damaging Effects Must Be Managed

III. Drugs and the Risk to Your System

Adverse drugs reactions and injuries are a serious concern in medicine today. Many of these effects may not be discussed in an office visit or even acknowledged in the pharmacist’s drug information sheet. These risks may occur in very subtle ways and take considerable time to create noticeable damage. It is important to understand the true risks and the choices you can make to limit the damage, reduce these risks, and understand your options. Be informed.
Mitochondria – Drugs That Injure and What Mitochondria Injury Looks Like
Metformin Causes Cell Death, Increases Risk for Alzheimer’s Disease
Dementia Risk Linked with Common Medications
Antidepressants Cause Bone Loss, Breaks
Steroids and Local Anesthetics Kill Cartilage Cells and Mitochondria
Numerous Medications Cause Drug-Induced Liver Injury – Protect and Restore Function

IV. Methylation Defects and Your Health

Methylation is a metabolic process that controls DNA replication and the body’s aging process. It occurs in every cell and organ of the body and requires several nutrients to occur. Genetic mutations, which affect one out of two people, impact effectiveness of methylation and require increased nutrients to counteract. Compromised methylation leads to numerous health disorders and limits the body’s ability to effectively manage aging. Learn about its wide-reaching affects and nutritional solutions with these articles.
Asthma, Methylation, Leaky Gut Syndrome, and Roundup
Gluten Intolerance Affects Mood, Balance, Methylation, and Brain Inflammation
Super Form of Vitamin B12 – Adenosylcobalamin
Depression and Stuck Negative Behavior Linked with Folate
Taming the Chronic Migraine

V. Mitochondria Damage and Support

The focus on mitochondria, our cells’ energy producers, and their dysfunction continued in 2016. Mitochondrial damage is linked to aging, and preventing that damage, is key to a long life. It is crucial to protect mitochondria, provide the essential nutrients for their function, and ensure healthy mitochondria physiology. Know what mitochondria concerns look like, the risks to mitochondria, and the nutrients required that keep your body’s mitochondria functioning well so you can prevent premature aging and disease.
Managing Brain and Nerve Health, Oxidative Stress and Mitochondria in CFS, FM, Lyme Disease
COPD – Protecting the Lung Mitochondria and Microbiome
Astaxanthin: Antioxidant for Protecting Heart, Cholesterol, Mitochondria, and Circulatory Health
Mitochondria – Drugs That Injure and What Mitochondria Injury Looks Like

VI. Nutrient Science and Health Benefits

Nutrients are a part of everyday life. We may not think about them, but our body requires numerous vitamins, minerals, coenzymes, proteins, fats, and carbohydrates for basic function. New health discoveries are made every day in regards to nutrients and their impact on your health. Here are some of the nutrient discoveries that we presented in 2016.
Astaxanthin: Antioxidant for Protecting Heart, Cholesterol, Mitochondria, and Circulatory Health
Cordyceps – Discover the Remarkable Benefits of this Medicinal Herb
Iron Deficiency Increases Cancer Risk
Is Iron Overload Causing Your Bone Loss, Heart Disease or Diabetes?
MSM Sulfur Helps Arthritis Pain, Inflammation, Skin Strength and More
PQQ: Champion Protector for Heart Health, Mitochondria, Triglycerides
Super Form of Vitamin B12 – Adenosylcobalamin
Shark Liver Oil: Benefits More Than Just the Immune System
Tocotrienols Shown to Help Cancer, Obesity, Brain Inflammation, Hair Loss

VII. Technology and the Risks to You

Modern day conveniences of electricity, technology, and medical testing provide great many benefits for 21st century living. Growing evidence, however, shows subtle changes to our body that occur due to this technology. These changes impact everything from rhythms and sleep to triggering disease states in the body. To master health, we must be aware of how to protect ourselves against this age of technology and maintain proper balance to combat this risk.
Cell Phones, MRIs, Wi-Fi Cause Microleakage of Dental Amalgam Fillings
Macular Degeneration: Chronic Inflammation, Blue Light, Mitochondria and Blood Sugar
Nighttime Artificial Light Exposure Linked with Obesity and Hormone Changes
