Love me some Zig Zigler...good stuff

Waiting for a sign? These words, from Tom Ziglar, might be what you have been waiting for…

I have learned the “never wait” principle the hard way more times than I care to admit. It’s painful when you come up with an excuse not to do something, and then realize how much it cost you.
My personal battle is this: Lack of discipline leads to procrastination. How about you?
Let me give you a glimpse into my mind: (My mind is a dangerous place, so I never go there alone!)

The old Tom Ziglar Negative Self-Talk:
I don’t have everything sorted out, so I need to wait to get started. I can’t do anything until I hear back from them.
What if I am missing something?
It’s not perfect yet.
Like you, I am a student. I have learned to address my negative self-talk and REPLACE it with positive self-talk.

The NEW Tom Ziglar Positive Self-Talk:
What can I take action on NOW? Do it!
I have not heard back from them. Call them NOW.
There is always something missing; starting NOW reveals it faster.
It will never be perfect; starting NOW makes it better sooner.What are you waiting on? My guess is you have enough to start right now. And starting creates momentum and new questions that are far better than the unanswered questions you are waiting on. Just start.
“The person who won’t take the first step, will never take the second step.” Zig Ziglar
The never-wait principle was hammered home to me by Howard Partridge, our small business owner coach. We were launching a new marketing initiative, but our website had some issues. I wanted it to be perfect and it was almost ready.
So I waited a week for it to be ready. (It wasn’t.)

So I waited another week for it to be ready. (It wasn’t.)
So I waited another week for it to be ready. (It wasn’t.)
So we missed our opportunity. OUCH! I learned that lesson in $$$.

I told Howard about it, and he said, “Tom, never wait to market.”
What is it you know you need to start? Start now!
If you want to grow in marketing and sales, I encourage you to check out this live Fireside Training on the web on April 7. It’s free, and I am among a group of sales and marketing experts. If you are a business owner, you might want to start NOW creating your dream business. Howard and I co-teach the Ziglar Business Owner Boot Camp at Ziglar HQ several times a year.

You are Born To Win, so go ahead and Live To Win! Start NOW!


P.S. I just want to say thank you to our newsletter subscribers. So many of you have sent me encouraging messages about our daily Zignificance emails. Zignificance is what I call these emails – they all try to combine Zig wisdom that helps you on your journey to significance with personal stories and examples. Something else that may help you on your journey is our Ziglar Show Podcast.