I was invited to apply for a job doing "heavily" armed security. Get to play with Barrett's, grenade launchers, 240b, carry hk m4 & glock .40

I know a bunch of people who work there including my grid kid football coach and scout master. It's a pretty cool job. Contracted to protect nuclear materials and every toy to do it with. They train a lot and stay proficient with their weapons.

Is a $10 pay cut but it's 13 hours closer to family and way more entertaining than my desk job. Plus you get paid to pt 4 hours a week at work Ina full gym only for security.

Besides selling my house and moving 1,000 miles I'm afraid the hardest will be the pt test. I haven't trained for standard in 6 years.

8 min 1 mile
40 push up 2 min
50 sit up 3 min
9 pull ups no time limit from hanging position
8 sec 40 yard dash from a prone position
Bench press body weight for 3 rep or 30lbs less for 6

So I went to the gym tonight and did

40 push up in 1 min
43 sit up 2 min
2 pull ups
210 for 5 reps

I did a bunch of remedial pull ups and bench and core. By that time I didn't have a mile left in me. I've never had a timed 40 yard before so I've no idea where I'll stand on that I'm not too worried about the mile. I have 6-8 weeks to prep for this. Everything was from the cold tonight. I haven't worked out much this winter and I put on 20 lbs from being sedentary. Currently 240. The pull ups scare me, I've never had to do pull ups for anything and have never really trained them. I think the most I ever did at once was 7 probably 30 lbs light with an underhand grip. This test requires an overhand.

Between just doing as many as I can. Slowly lowering myself and the assisted pull up I feel pretty good I can prepare in 6-8 weeks.

I am worried about my weight and diet though. There's no standard on them but I know it would help everything if I cut fat but I worry about trying to gain strength at the same time. I've never been concerned with a standard for years especially since I started training for physique.

Right now I'm think about setting my calories for my metabolic rate so I'm in the middle of gain and loss. I should be able to cut some weight and still have the energy for muscular strength and endurance.

I appreciate any advice and experience. I haven't looked at fitness in this angle for years so I want to make sure I get the most out of my 6 week prep.

I'm currently cruising 250 cyp. I just started using .25 t3 daily and eca 25/200/81 twice a day

I have dianabol, anadrol and anavar on hand. I have maybe 200 20mg tabs anavar which I'm sure won't be enough. If I used the dbol I think I'd only want to use it 4 weeks for fear of too much water weight. And probably 4 weeks with the anadrol because it's anadrol. Just to clarify these are on hand and would only consider using 1 oral at a time.

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