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    Thread: Kill them with kindness

    1. #1
      BABY1's Avatar
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      • Kill them with kindness
      I realized I can't do this. It feels phony to me. I was taught to be polite and respectful so that I can do. I would rather someone do the same to me rather than blow smoke up my ass. That is my rant today, lol, please know it has absolutely nothing to do with fg, this is real life stuff. NOWow off to have some holiday fun with bells on and mistletoe
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    2. #2
      LittleTom's Avatar
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      Default Re: Kill them with kindness

      I hear you on this one BABY. I walk this tight rope all the time between my job, family, and funny enough the forums. There's times where I think it's best just to tell it like it is and then I think pulling back and letting it go is best. The older I get the easier it is to pick my battles and still come off genuine. If I spoke how I felt most times I don't think I would have many people that would talk to me lol.
      "You don't know how strong you are until strong is your only option."

    3. #3
      BABY1's Avatar
      BABY1 is offline Mrs FUZO
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      • Kill them with kindness

      • Kill them with kindness
      • Kill them with kindness
      • Kill them with kindness
      • Kill them with kindness
      • Kill them with kindness
      • Kill them with kindness
      You are definitely right about the work part. When I did hair, not only did I let me clients drain me but I had to walk out of the backroom with a smile and a bunch of bs, lol. I had a real great clientele and fortunately only had to do this with a handful of them. I liked them but they just annoyed the shit out of me. I told one finally that she needed to go see someone else,lol
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