Help! I am having a problem with this girl. I hooked up with her at a party, talked to her a good bit all that stuff but I didnt think anything of it you know? It was just a one time thing for me, the girl isnt too much my type and she isnt really all that attractive. Well I went back to college for exams, and turns out she has been constantly calling my parents house where I used to live, and calling all of my friends and asking for my cell phone number. I come back to my hometown, went to this party on New Years with a bunch of my old highschool friends, and she ofcourse showed up. She got really drunk and WOULD NOT LEAVE because she said she wasnt going to leave unless it was with me. It took all of her friends to physically force her out of the door. She kept getting all in my face and stuff and asking me questions like why dont you ever call, why dont you ever answer your phone, dont you like me, and a bunch of stuff like that. Ruined my whole high. She was all up on me the whole night and I tried not to show any interest because frankly I dont have any anymore. How do you lose girls like this? I mean I actually wouldnt mind being friends with her, I would prefer not having to be a dick about it you know? Also does stuff like this happen often to you guys? Im only 18, havent had a whole lot of experience.