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    Thread: 3rd cycle question.

    1. #1
      Iapetos's Avatar
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      6'3" 220 #'s 12% BF.

      1st cycle was 500 Test/400 EQ/37.5 DBol for 10 weeks.
      2nd cycle was 750 Test for 10 weeks.

      I was thinking for a 3rd cycle I would try...

      750mg Test/12 weeks
      600mg Deca/12 weeks
      50mg DBol/First 5 weeks
      Clomid/Nolva/Liquidex on hand as well.

      Would this be decent? or should I substitute EQ for the Deca at the same dosage? I've read alot of posts lately about Deca being overrated, the feeling I get is that everyone is shying away from it. I've also seen alot of cycles where people are doubling up, using EQ and Deca during the same cycle, any thoughts on this? Would 12 weeks be a bad thing with either product?

      Thanks in advance.

    2. #2
      sicilian's Avatar
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      Okay bro fist off dbol for 10 weeks is a no no.. I can't believe you ran dbol for 10 freaking weeks.. dbol is a 17AA which is very toxic to the liver. I would not recommend dbol at that kind of length unless you are experienced. Trust me, your liver will thank you later in life as well.
      Also deca at 12 weeks is anohter no no.. Deca for that length has causes alot of bro's fertility problems and other problems coming off from that long. Deca shuts your test production down to a halt, and being on deca that long anyone with experience will tell you the same. Some of even the experienced guys like myself only run deca at 8 week, max 10.
      EQ now you can run for that length with no problems. Knowing what I have learned about deca these last few months, I won't touch the stuff ever again.
      Also did you know that at that kind of levels, deca can cause progestrone gyno which armidex, nolv and liquidex can do nothing for. IMO stick with the EQ, throw the deca, EQ is very safe to run those periods, I know guys that run EQ for 15-20 weeks with no problems.
      The test you are fine. Dbol is okay, max would be 6 weeks, I wouldn't go longer than that on dbol.
      Be sure and keep some ALA's and milk thistle around helps alleviate the toxicity of the 17AA in your liver.

    3. #3
      WarbirdWS6's Avatar
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      Default Re: 3rd cycle question.

      Originally posted by Iapetos

      750mg Test/12 weeks
      600mg Deca/12 weeks
      50mg DBol/First 5 weeks
      Clomid/Nolva/Liquidex on hand as well.

      doing SAME exact cycle here bro. but EQ not deca. same mg amounts. do the EQ....i am pleased at the halfway point. 1/2 tab arimidex with the 50mg dbol (and 25mg anadrol ) is working wonders for me....people are already commenting on my lean gains and i haven't hit stride on the injectables yet (why i gain such awesome lean mass on dbol/arimidex is beyond me, but i am a totally different looking body on dbol cycles). only use the arimidex w/ dbol segment though. i am using proviron for the second half of the cycle. also i am eating 10 fina pellets the last half of the cycle when i stop the dbol. no flames on eating fina please! you can inject it or whatever.....but i want to increase cals second half...and i got 10 lean lbs so far, so i figure i can easily get 10-15 lbs more with the sust/EQ hitting right along with starting fina. but i just have a bad feeling about deca, never used it before......but my instinct was to go with EQ instead with the sust. i am looking for lean gains though, not a bulker here. I am doing 10 weeks BTW....12 weeks sounds nice though. not enough EQ here. and your crazier than me almost with 10 weeks of dbol...i like that! your liver might not like the ginny said (lol), but i'd try it.

    4. #4
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      Oh hell, the DBol for 10 weeks is a typo. I meant the entire cycle was 10 weeks. I only did the DBol for 4 weeks. Sorry, it's been a long day, I'm pulling a 24 hour shift today.

      Thanks for the feedback. I was concerned about the Deca, hence my post. EQ sounds like the wiser choice plus I can run a longer cycle with the EQ since it kicks in so late in the cycle you only get a couple weeks of good EQ magic on a 10 week cycle.

      Grats on the results Warbird, nice to hear someone who is pleased with it rather than saying "It's been 7 weeks and I haven't gained 35 pounds yet! "

      - Iapetos

    5. #5
      WarbirdWS6's Avatar
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      Originally posted by Iapetos
      "It's been 7 weeks and I haven't gained 35 pounds yet! "

      - Iapetos
      lol. worse is when they say they gained 35 lbs and where is the rest?

    6. #6
      MindBomb's Avatar
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      Your cycle looks good bro. Good luck.

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