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    Thread: Rotator Cuff

    1. #1
      MidnightRider's Avatar
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      I've had problems with my rotator cuff in the past. Will doing a cycle make this less or more prone to injurey? I don't want to get half way threw the cycle and have to stop because of a injury.

    2. #2
      Warrior's Avatar
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      What have you done to stop this? Stop doing behind the neck Military Presses and Behind the Neck Lat Pull Downs. Start warming up more and working your rotator cuff. A cycle will aggrevate the problem if you continue to keep doing the same things that bother it.

      There is a new Hammer Strength machine for Front Military Presses that takes you just forward enough off your verticle plane to not stress your rotator cuff.

      "Be patient and tough; some day this pain will be useful to you."

    3. #3
      MidnightRider's Avatar
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      Originally posted by Warrior
      What have you done to stop this? Stop doing behind the neck Military Presses and Behind the Neck Lat Pull Downs. Start warming up more and working your rotator cuff. A cycle will aggrevate the problem if you continue to keep doing the same things that bother it.

      There is a new Hammer Strength machine for Front Military Presses that takes you just forward enough off your verticle plane to not stress your rotator cuff.
      BB bench press is how I injured it originally. Now I only press DB's, but still feel slight pain now and then. Damn thing never seems to be the same after I tore it up. I will be doing rotator cuff exercises for three months prior to my cycle. I hope that helps. I'm afraid that if my lefts go up 20% during the cycle, the cuff won't take it.

    4. #4
      mmMass's Avatar
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      Have you been diagnosed with a rotator cuff tear by a physician, or do you only suspect a tear?

    5. #5
      MidnightRider's Avatar
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      Originally posted by mmMass
      Have you been diagnosed with a rotator cuff tear by a physician, or do you only suspect a tear?
      I'm only guessing.

    6. #6
      Billy Boy's Avatar
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      I have had the same problem with my right rotator cuff which I got checked out today and it looks pretty grim.I orginally done mine on bench press but found that if I placed an inch of wood underneath the legs of the bench it gave me enough angle to reduce the stress on the shoulder.It may work for you it may not

      A cycle may increase the pain as the muscles tend to get stronger quicker than the tendons/ligaments.Get the shoulder checked out it is not the strongest of joints in the body and one that takes a lot of abuse.I,d hate for you to end up with a f**ked cuff like mine.I have just had a cortisone inj for mine which kills bro.

    7. #7
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      [A cycle may increase the pain as the muscles tend to get stronger quicker than the tendons/ligaments.Get the shoulder checked out it is not the strongest of joints in the body and one that takes a lot of abuse.I,d hate for you to end up with a f**ked cuff like mine.I have just had a cortisone inj for mine which kills bro. [/B][/QUOTE]

      IMO, for most rotator cuff injuries, cortisone's not the best deal. It's a catabolic hormone which has the potential to weaken collagenous tissues (ie, ligaments and tendons, especially at their attachments to the bone). I prefer prolotherapy (proliferant injections into the fibro-osseous junction) to stimulate the formation of new collagen. These injuries are NOT primarily inflammatory in nature, they are degenerative (trauma). So I don't see the rationale for antiinflammatory meds like cortisone.
      I used it on lifting-induced RC injuries in both of my shoulders (at different times) and I have no pain now, am lifting more than ever before.

    8. #8
      Warrior's Avatar
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      Having taken corticosteroids I will agree with buffdoc. They make you feel like a new lifter again (I was having serious elbow and shoulder pain) - but then you are also shakey going back o the gym. And cortisol eats your muscle up - big time. You take one step forward and three steps backwards with them.

      Request a non steroidal anti-inflamatory only.

      "Be patient and tough; some day this pain will be useful to you."

    9. #9
      newgirl's Avatar
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      I have a rotator cuff injury as well. I went to a chiropractor at first thinking it was a pinch nerve...it was both.

      Believe it or not, he told me NOT to stop working out...just do lighter and stay with closed grip exercises for chest and simple movements for shoulders without going over my head.

      Also the above about collagen is true. If you search yahoo you can find chiropractic sides that will sell you Collagenics...to help repair the tissue. I am telling you it has made a difference.

      Also to help preserve further nerve and tissue damage, I would start supplementing with B6, B12 and Vit E along with the Collagenics......

      A cycle will INDIRECTLY make it worse as you will be stronger and be able to do more and lift heavier. Try to take it easy, you will still build but for shoulders do lateral and front raises and the hammer machine above was good for me as well as long as the grip is tighter for you.

      Here a few links to the Collagenics...I am telling you -- it is the shiat:


    10. #10
      ray_ivory's Avatar
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      Get ART done on it bro.Active Release Technique

      I had bad pain at back of shoulder and ART specialist diagnosed it was my tricep and lat on right side was stuck together like glue.
      He broke up the scar tissue (glue) and now no pain or more flexible and area feels more stable.It was very painful while it was being done though.Good luck bro.

      The pain is caused because as on muscle is contracting the other is stretching but they are glued together.

    11. #11
      LocoLeprechaun's Avatar
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      I know all about shoulder problems I have dislocated it 9 times, I have a torn rotator cuff two arthritic cyst on my collar bone in the same shoulder and the ball of the shoulder is flattened on both sides. In my experience juice always makes it feel great during the cycle (gotta love deca) but then after I come off it hurts more then ever its like I dont feel the pain when im on but I am doing more damage and since I dont feel it I just continue you to push through. I had cortisone shots they were useless to me I take celebrex like its candy. My injuries are due to years of football, submission fighting and powerlifting the price I guess we pay for being the kind of people we are?

    12. #12
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      First of all, I would recommend seeing an orthopedic specialist to have the problem diagnosed properly. There are great general practioners out there, but there is a reason that specialists exist, so use them. Try to find one that specializes in shoulders. They can make an accurate prediagnosis, and order the appropriate tests for accurate confirmation, such as x-ray for bone, and MRI for soft tissue. The shoulder is a complex joint, and there are numerous problems can exist. Osteolysis, bursitis, rotator cuff injuries, and labral tears, are among the many. Even bicep tendonitis at the origin can be initially perceived as a shoulder problem.
      Get the joint thoroughly checked out, then the most appropriate treatment can be recommended.

    13. #13
      Drveejay11's Avatar
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      Originally posted by buffdoc
      [A cycle may increase the pain as the muscles tend to get stronger quicker than the tendons/ligaments.Get the shoulder checked out it is not the strongest of joints in the body and one that takes a lot of abuse.I,d hate for you to end up with a f**ked cuff like mine.I have just had a cortisone inj for mine which kills bro.

      IMO, for most rotator cuff injuries, cortisone's not the best deal. It's a catabolic hormone which has the potential to weaken collagenous tissues (ie, ligaments and tendons, especially at their attachments to the bone). I prefer prolotherapy (proliferant injections into the fibro-osseous junction) to stimulate the formation of new collagen. These injuries are NOT primarily inflammatory in nature, they are degenerative (trauma). So I don't see the rationale for antiinflammatory meds like cortisone.
      I used it on lifting-induced RC injuries in both of my shoulders (at different times) and I have no pain now, am lifting more than ever before. [/B][/QUOTE]

      That's my boy

      Good to see you hear buffdoc

    14. #14
      MidnightRider's Avatar
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      Originally posted by Drveejay11
      IMO, for most rotator cuff injuries, cortisone's not the best deal. It's a catabolic hormone which has the potential to weaken collagenous tissues (ie, ligaments and tendons, especially at their attachments to the bone). I prefer prolotherapy (proliferant injections into the fibro-osseous junction) to stimulate the formation of new collagen. These injuries are NOT primarily inflammatory in nature, they are degenerative (trauma). So I don't see the rationale for antiinflammatory meds like cortisone.
      I used it on lifting-induced RC injuries in both of my shoulders (at different times) and I have no pain now, am lifting more than ever before.
      That's my boy

      Good to see you hear buffdoc [/B][/QUOTE]

      Can you give me some more info on the prolotherapy? Like whats the cost, how much time is involved and where to go to have it preformed.

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