The Ayurvedic herb Gymnema sylvestre has long been a traditional remedy for blood sugar issues and type 2 diabetes. A new study has shown for the first time that it is also a powerful anti-fungal, helping to stop simple Candida yeast from forming biofilm germ gangs as well as dismantling existing germ gangs.
Blood sugar problems and Candida biofilm problems often coexist in the same person as higher-than-normal blood sugar levels feed Candida overgrowth. The toxins of Candida cause brain fog, digestive disturbance, and thyroid problems – locking in a wide constellation of metabolic issues that lead to health decline. Antifungal drugs are quite toxic to human cells, and therefore, of limited value. Gymnema is non-toxic to human cells or even friendly single-cell Candida, but highly toxic to the infectious germ gangs that pose health problems.
This research from Kansas State University is the first to document various ways in which Gymnema inhibits biofilm formation as well as dismantles existing biofilms. Biofilms are like weeds in the digestive lawn, wreaking havoc with healthy digestion and causing many digestive problems to develop – such as gluten intolerance. Gymnema is one more natural remedy that can be added to the list of effective ways to help deal with this issue.
As a clinician I have known for many years that Gymnema is an excellent anti-fungal, one of the best remedies for stopping sugar cravings (a sign of Candida overgrowth). It is nice to see some science that correlates to the clinical observations.
